Jill Biden promised to end Joe’s inappropriate behavior – IOTW Report

Jill Biden promised to end Joe’s inappropriate behavior

DC: Former second lady Jill Biden promised an end to her husband Joe Biden’s alleged inappropriate behavior Wednesday during an appearance on The Daily Show. She also praised the “courage” of the women who made complaints against the former vice president.

“It took a lot of courage for women to step forward and say, you know, ‘You’re in my space. Joe heard that. And it just won’t happen again,” she told The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah. “He heard what they were saying.”

Former Democratic Nevada Assemblywoman Lucy Flores was the first of several women to accuse Biden of inappropriate behavior during a 2014 campaign event, although the former Bernie Sanders supporter later remarked that politics was the “impetus” for her decision to come forward.

Jill Biden also discussed the thought process that went into her husband’s decision to launch a third bid for the White House this year, saying she and her husband initially decided against it, but were persuaded by family to run. The 76-year-old long-time senator and former vice president previously ran for president in 1988 and 2008.

“And we weren’t going to run, but then we kept hearing this,” Jill Biden said. “And so we started to think about it and then we called our family together, we spoke to our children, we got our grandchildren all together. And we said, what do you think? Do you think Pop should run for president? And to a grandchild they said Pop has to run.”  more here

16 Comments on Jill Biden promised to end Joe’s inappropriate behavior

  1. I think that Joey Biden is the best thing to happen to this political party since George McGovern selected Senator Thomas Eagleton for a running mate back in 1972, and backed him 1,000 percent after his hospitalization and electroshock treatments for depression were revealed. Biden is everything McGovern and Eagleton brought to the ticket then, but with senility and creepy behavior added to the disaster.

    Run, Joey, run. It’s your last chance to fulfill your promise to all those fools who think you were born to save America from being a great country again.

  2. Honey, face it, to end his behavior, you’ll have to lock him in the attic. Put some anatomically correct, female mannequins with wigs up there to keep him happy.

  3. How in the world do the left think that this sort of excuse/lame response will wash???
    “Yeah he squeezed near breasts, snuffed their hair loudly, kissed ears and just plain fondled- regardless of age, multiple times for YEARS and on camera no less, as he also said inappropriate things to them barely above a whisper, but he’s SEEN the light and never HAD ANY bad intentions… he’s just a cuddler. 🙂 ;)’


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