Jill Stein Agrees with Trump: Hillary Clinton Presidency Means Nuclear War, a ‘Mushroom Cloud Waiting to Happen’ – IOTW Report

Jill Stein Agrees with Trump: Hillary Clinton Presidency Means Nuclear War, a ‘Mushroom Cloud Waiting to Happen’

“No one should fool themselves into thinking that the dangers will be smaller, that they will be mitigated in any way for having Hillary in White House."




“Get ready for war with Russia” if Hillary Clinton is elected president, said progressive Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein.

“This election, we are not only deciding what kind of world we will have, but whether we will have a world or not going forward,” Stein warned, explaining that Clinton’s trigger-happy militarism “is a mushroom cloud waiting to happen.”

While Stein adamantly opposes a Trump presidency, she explained that the dangers posed by a Clinton presidency are “arguably even more immediate and intense.”

Stein blasted Clinton’s “warmongering” that “almost singlehandedly” brought us the turmoil in Libya and could lead us into a nuclear war if Clinton were elected president.

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7 Comments on Jill Stein Agrees with Trump: Hillary Clinton Presidency Means Nuclear War, a ‘Mushroom Cloud Waiting to Happen’

  1. Where is the BOMBSHELL to land from Wikileaks? Or the FBI, or the NYPD?

    I never thought there would be one. Should have been more cautious about that folks. I’m sure AFTER the election, some turds will come out saying they had evidence, buy now found some bravery. Happens every time, too little too late.

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