Jimmy Kimmel is On James Woods’ Radar – IOTW Report

Jimmy Kimmel is On James Woods’ Radar

James Woods is posting material from Kimmel’s past that should damage his career if the #MeToo movement has any credibility whatsoever.

Kimmel has been a serial degrader of women while lecturing the right on a whole host of topics. Al Franken resigned from a senate seat over less.

19 Comments on Jimmy Kimmel is On James Woods’ Radar

  1. It’s on like Donkey Kong. James Woods can potentially muzzle Kimmel. Kimmel’s brain dead audience don’t care about how abusive he is to women, but his advertisers might. Woods’ info might just get their attention.

  2. Whats his real name? Jon Stewart was really Jonah Lipshitz, is Jimmy Kimmel really Yimell Kleinowitz? Why cant they use their real names?

  3. “James Woods is posting material from Kimmel’s past that should damage his career if the #MeToo movement has any credibility whatsoever.”

    That noise you hear is the sound of silence. They have zero credibility.

  4. There’s the “Access Hollywood” you’re snooping for, Mueller.

    OT, remember when Tom Arnold and others were claiming the existence of a tape where Trump said “nigger”? I think that’s what the SDNY raid was all about. Even Mueller realizes that the “pussy” attack is all played out. Time to quit the white whale and chase the black one.

  5. Unless it is a Republican politician, the #metoo movement is all played out; it snared too many liberal Democrats and government officials. It’s time for the leftists to try something else – something that won’t backfire on them again.

  6. ” It’s time for the leftists to try something else – something that won’t backfire on them again.”

    That’s why I think they’re moving to the racial stuff. Unfortunately for them, they are no less racist than they are sexist, so get ready for more backfiring.

  7. I thought the Man Show was funny as hell, so did mrs6pak. However, once you have starred on the Man Show you really shouldn’t pass judgement on someone else’s behavior. There should be reruns of the Man Show so Kimmels fans can see where he came from.

  8. remember he’s only an actor repeating what someone else told him to say.

    today he has a different script to read from then he had during the man show.

    he was probably a waiter before he got in front of a tv camera.


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