Joaquin Castro Shares Names and Employers of Trump Donors in His San Antonio District – IOTW Report

Joaquin Castro Shares Names and Employers of Trump Donors in His San Antonio District


Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX), twin brother of Democrat presidential candidate Julián Castro, took to Twitter Monday and posted the names and employers of dozens of individuals – residing in his own San Antonio district – who contributed the maximum amount to President Trump’s re-election campaign.

Castro, who serves as the chair of his brother’s presidential campaign, allegedly posted the names of 44 San Antonio residents who donated the maximum amount to Trump’s re-election campaign in what appears to be an attempt to shame them.

“Sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump,” Castro wrote in a tweet posted to his unverified campaign account, before listing the names of some of the specific donors and accusing them of “fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.’”

Breitbart News reached out to Joaquin Castro’s team to confirm that the unverified campaign account is, in fact, operated by the congressman but did not receive a comment. However, Breitbart News can conclude that it is his campaign’s account, as it was listed in an archived version of his congressional campaign page.

Additionally, Julián Castro’s national press secretary, Sawyer Hackett, responded to criticism of the tweet and defended its sentiments, reaffirming that the account is indeed connected to Rep. Castro: more

25 Comments on Joaquin Castro Shares Names and Employers of Trump Donors in His San Antonio District

  1. We are at war.
    They want this.
    They are escalating beyond the point of no return.

    It’s past time we start playing by their rules.
    Dox those motherfuckers!
    Go to their houses and hound those motherfuckers!
    Time to stamp out this cockroach infestation! 🙁

  2. Second most-punchable face in Politics.
    @LBS… I fully agree. I say harass their families/friends just like they do as well. They want a war but have no earthly idea of what they are going to get when they get what they want. If it were up to me, it would have already ended.

  3. So Juaquin names donors and employers in an attempt to have them shamed and harassed and then accuses those he is outing of “fueling a campaign of hate.” Where is the ethics committee to stomp all over this dork? Does he not realize he is supposed to represent all the people of his district?

  4. Joaquin Castro San Antonio office: 727 E. Caesar Chavez blvd. Doesn’t he have people working for him there? They should get an earful of “opinions” every time they walk in or out of the place. Ain’t that first amendment great?

  5. BTW, Castrohole scrubbed donors with Hispanic surnames from the list. He only published the names of white donors. And what an irony his office is on Caesar Chavez Blvd, because the actual Caesar Chavez would never cotton to open borders bullshit because he knew tolerance of illegal immigration was all about driving wages down; not “caring about brown people”.

    This just makes me want to donate to Trump in the max. amount now. Any democrat cunt who ever came to my place to hassle me, would have a real serious double-O problem the second he made an even remotely threatening move.

  6. The problem is “Deplorables/Trumpers” don’t have time for this type of hooliganism. The work for a living. The left/media Castroites etc. have the advantage when it comes to demonstrations, protests and perverse conduct.

  7. Maybe Whites are supreme because they don’t make judgements about people for their color, only their behaviors?
    One things for sure; San Antonio has more rapidly sloped toward ‘shithole’ status since this cowardly excuse for leadership was mayor.

  8. Just remember, Dems were pitching these Castro fuckfaces as Presidential contenders less than 5 years ago.

    The Future Is Latino. The Future is Female. Blah, blah, blah.

    Who is pushing who about being banished or genocided from the future?

  9. Now that we have a pretty good idea who these people are and what they stand for, this upcoming 2020 election may be the most important election in our American lives. My skin was absolutely, literally crawling when watching the Dem debates. Who ARE these people? What happened to them?

  10. registered democrats, blacks, queers, commies are calling for and committing all the violence in this country and the goebbells trained media says its all trump’s fault.

    the left is a criminal organization. until they are treated as such, we are in danger.

  11. my wife’s family are Tex-Mex from San Antone. They sure didn’t vote for either of these two Castros. The Castro Brothers are hateful, racist, Leftist supremacists.


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