Jordan Peterson- 1 Simple Sentence Baffles a Leftist and Leaves Her Speechless – IOTW Report

Jordan Peterson- 1 Simple Sentence Baffles a Leftist and Leaves Her Speechless

16 Comments on Jordan Peterson- 1 Simple Sentence Baffles a Leftist and Leaves Her Speechless

  1. Peterson misses the point, though. She is a leftist journalist so she is allowed to be offensive towards a straight white male. She would be fired in a heartbeat if she said anything critical of Dylan Mulvaney. Justin Castro Trudeau got away with wearing black face because he is a leftist tyrant.

    That’s how things work.

  2. I’d say, or I will type, that y’all should watch the whole thing. I have seen, as you all have seen, a Dick Cavett where Norman Mailer was made out to be a HUGE dickhead. Norman WAS a huge dickhead. No question. But was he as big a dickhead as you thought when you see the entire film?

    They are clever with their bullshit. As you all know.

  3. This Cathy Newman interview with JP, which was widely distributed and commented on at the time (2018) is 5 years old. She’s a leftist “journalist”, there are thousands of them. Nothing JP said to her then made the slightest bit of difference to her “world view.” Nothing has changed in 5 years (except their side is even worse now).

  4. I never tire listening to Jordan’s wisdom. That’s not his only “gotcha” moment, there’s several of them out there. I love the black street preacher talking to LGBT. He used the same logic and shut them down speechless. Love these “gotcha” videos.

  5. Feelings of offense come from your own sense of self-importance.
    The more important you think you are the easier you are to offend.


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