Judge Rules NY AG Can’t Dissolve NRA – IOTW Report

Judge Rules NY AG Can’t Dissolve NRA


A judge has rejected an effort by New York’s attorney general to put the National Rifle Association out of business, but will allow her lawsuit accusing top executives of illegally diverting tens of millions of dollars from the powerful gun advocacy organization to proceed. More

6 Comments on Judge Rules NY AG Can’t Dissolve NRA

  1. Malfeasance by Lapierre and his cronies should be investigated. They ARE NOT the NRA. We have four voting members in our house, unfortunately most members with a vote do not cast a ballot and the beat goes on.

    That being said, join and donate to the NRA educational and competitions. NOt one thin dime to the ILA until that den of iniquity is cleaned out of all of the worthless staff that cycle back and forth between jobs with the Republican establishment and the NRA.

  2. JD, I’m a voting member. The trouble is most of us are not abreast of the politics involved with these creatures; so, who to vote for w/o empowering the evil class. I don’t know any of these people from a bag full-o-sphincters with the best ones already picked out. Should we just vote against any incumbent? Don’t know.

  3. A member for many years. They sent me a request to renew my membership. Instead I wrote on it how I felt about la pierre and others and sent it back. Haven’t heard from them since.


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