Just How Many Times Did Hunter Sell Classified Information to The Highest Bidder? – IOTW Report

Just How Many Times Did Hunter Sell Classified Information to The Highest Bidder?

American Thinker

The thing is, that’s not the only time he did it.

Devine didn’t mention it, but back in 2021, she wrote a column about some other policy documents that Hunter Biden was transmitting to clients from his laptop, in 2011 — again, written in that smooth policy-paper style that’s not like his normal style.

These look even more like they could have been classified. Here’s Devine’s 2021 column (emphasis mine):

Hunter Biden boasted he could provide intelligence on the shady Russian oligarch whose Greenwich Village townhouse was raided by the FBI on Tuesday.

The president’s son said he could provide Alcoa, a giant US aluminium firm, with knowledge about the “elite networks” connected to Oleg Deripaska in a proposal from his company Rosemont Seneca, emails on Hunter’s laptop show.

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22 Comments on Just How Many Times Did Hunter Sell Classified Information to The Highest Bidder?

  1. Brad,

    You’re getting soft my Friend. 😉

    I’m partial to Vlad the Impaler, although he was a bit SOFT on Crime.

    He would shove a pike up their asses and let them SLOWLY slide down it over DAYS. Thus, “Impaler”

    Cheers! I’m pissed that Biden’s Eagles Got through & the Bengals Lost.

    Not 1 Superbowl Fuck left to Give.

  2. What he did is a capital crime: punishable by DEATH:

    18 U.S. Code § 794 – Gathering or delivering defense information to aid foreign government:
    htt ps://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/794

    His father should be right there alongside him on the lethal injection gurney.

  3. “Apparently not even close to Donny’s reported windfall”

    I’m told this is the same moron Troll and IT just keeps switching names.
    Attention Moron Troll, Donald Trump is the only American Politician in the history of history to leave office with less personal wealth than when he entered. You are a nut case.
    Oh, and I win, again. Might as well get that over with right now.


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