Kamala Harris Reminds Everyone She’s the Queen of Cringe – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Reminds Everyone She’s the Queen of Cringe

Red State: Kamala Harris, or ‘Black Hillary’ as Redstater Jeff Charles calls her, has got to be the most cringe politician of the last decade, at least in so far as someone who has risen to the top levels of our government. To the extent that there’s a comparison, and there certainly is, she makes Hillary look charismatic.

Almost as if to provide more evidence of this, the Biden transition team decided it’d be a good idea to ask Harris what Hanukkah is about on video, because being married to a secular Jewish man apparently qualifies her to do so. What follows is one of the most awkward videos you’ll see this.

For example, did you know that Hanukkah is just about “light,” you know, because they light candles and stuff. Harris repeats that line several times in the beginning, almost as if she doesn’t know what else to say, likely because she doesn’t know what else to say.

Remember, this video is pre-recorded. Did Harris not have a script to read?

13 Comments on Kamala Harris Reminds Everyone She’s the Queen of Cringe

  1. I’d like to see her asked a few questions.
    Start out by fluffing her up by referencing her past as a prosecutor and DA. Get her to acknowledge and boost that. Then ask her about biden’s involvement with china and what she thinks about that and when she learned about it, and why she hasn’t said anything.

  2. To be nit-picky, that should be the INDIAN Hillary, unless we’re playing the Democrat “one drop” game. Definitely no slave blood in that DNA, although there IS slave OWNER blood there. Not too much black blood.

  3. I don’t cringe over her just like I don’t cringe over the trash on the Jerry Springer Show.
    But I do ask any idiot who admits he voted for Biden how Kamshalacka is qualified for anything but homewrecking.


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