Kamalaflation: How Harris Caused Inflation By Casting Decisive Votes For Biden’s Economic Agenda – IOTW Report

Kamalaflation: How Harris Caused Inflation By Casting Decisive Votes For Biden’s Economic Agenda


Democrat strategists hope that Kamala Harris can avoid responsibility for the inflation surge that soured the public on President Biden but the critical role she played in passing the legislation that fueled the worst price increases in four decades will make that a challenge.

The Biden-Harris administration’s sweeping $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan passed a deeply divided Senate in March of 2021 only after Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of the pandemic spending bill that even prominent Democrat economists had warned would overheat the economy.

Republicans voted unanimously against it, criticizing the measure as unnecessary, unaffordable, and dangerously inflationary. Even prominent economists associated with liberal politics and the Democratic Party like Larry Summers and Olivier Blanchard had warned that the American Rescue Plan could cause significant inflation. Summers called it the “least responsible” economic policy in 40 years, arguing that it would push demand beyond the capacity of the economy and lead to sustained inflation. Similarly, Blanchard expressed concerns that the scale of the spending would create significant inflationary pressures, potentially harming economic stability in the long run. more

5 Comments on Kamalaflation: How Harris Caused Inflation By Casting Decisive Votes For Biden’s Economic Agenda

  1. “Democrat strategists hope that Kamala Harris can avoid responsibility for the inflation surge ”

    Why would she? Why would the entire party? Democrats have skipped right past socialism and embrace communism. Just look how they choose their candidates now. Democrats economic plan, we will give the lower class money, and then tax them on it. We’ll decide how much they get. From the bottom up, yea that’s the plan. And trickle down has been proven a failure.
    Really, exactly when did that happen? As an employer, the busier I am the more help I need and I’ll pay a premium for good help. Dumb assholes. It’s all about state control. Cause they’re so smart.

  2. The truth is n one has ever cast a primary vote for Harris EVER. She dropped out before the primaries in the lead up to 2020 Presidential farce. Nobody has ever cast a vote for this idiot to be the candidate, yet the Democrats who hand picked her and their allies over in the Ministry of Truth have been trying to get the public to believe they are concerned about democracy. As usual, they are working to undermine participatory government by the citizenry at large


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