Kasich Says Ted Cruz Should Get Out of the Race Because He’s a November Loser – IOTW Report

Kasich Says Ted Cruz Should Get Out of the Race Because He’s a November Loser

The Blaze-

Republican presidential candidate John Kasich appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday. During the interview, Kasich suggested to host Chuck Todd that rival Ted Cruz should drop out of the GOP race.

“Maybe Ted ought to get out because he can’t win in the fall,” the Ohio governor said.

Image source: NBC

Image source: NBC

“Maybe these people that are hot on that ought to tell him to do it. You know, they tried to tell me to get out of the race how many times, Chuck?” he asked Todd. “And now they should be thanking me for staying in because if Trump did win Ohio it would have been over.”

“If you thought your candidacy were helping Donald Trump, not hurting him, would you get out?” Todd asked.

“Chuck, I’m running for president — this isn’t a parlor game of who gets this and who gets that,” Kasich responded.

Todd challenged Kasich’s claims, saying that by recognizing a convention as his only path to the presidency, the Ohio governor is engaging in “the ultimate parlor game.”

Kasich proceded to compare his decision to stay in the race to former president Ronald Reagan, mentioning the speech Reagan gave at the 1976 Republican National Convention:

“I was there in ’76 when Reagan challenged the sitting president,” Kasich said. “They didn’t like him doing it either, but you know, his vision and his message mattered.”


25 Comments on Kasich Says Ted Cruz Should Get Out of the Race Because He’s a November Loser

  1. @ Uncle Al

    I think you are on to something with Kasich. The sad, sad thing is that the pols use to their own ends, people who obviously have some physical or trauma condition that may skew their judgement. Am also thinking Gabby Giffords here – she was pro 2 A.

  2. He thinks he’s a player in the convention with the delegates from Ohio.
    Funny little boy thinks he can play with the adults.
    And I don’t have a clue what Ohioans were thinking voting for this tool….and I live here.

  3. @Unsung. The same site had a couple pieces last November, I think, about the rule changes in 2014 being designed to get Bush the nomination. Trump wrecked that plan, but it appears Kasich could be the unintended beneficiary. No difference to the RNC.

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