Daniel Greenfield-

It walks the fine line with double jeopardy. But it’s been done before in cases where a biased jury let a murderer walk for political reasons. The Lemrick Nelson case in the Crown Heights Pogrom comes to mind. As do the murders of civil rights workers.

Federal prosecutors have a much better track record. And they can move forward without being tainted by the political agendas that lead jurors to side with murderers that have the right identity politics, whether it’s Sharpton’s supporters, the KKK or La Raza.

And it would send a clear message that California’s racist left is not above the law. And that American lives matter.


ht/ annie


  1. No justice. No peace.

    This is a travesty. Even if federal government can’t pursue this course of action, put North Korean type sanctions on California. Starve them into submission.

  2. If I killed someone because the gun ‘accidently’ fired, I’d get charged and convicted of negligent homicide or whatever that statute that State has.
    Unless I was not in the country legally, I guess.

  3. Imagine the screaming if the feds went after a civil rights violation, a brown person violating the rights of a white person.

    Of course the voters will respond in November, and likely would tend toward what is right rather than what is screamed.

  4. Saw this on one of the lawyer shows (don’t remember which one) where a juror was bribed to throw a case. They were able to retry the scum because double-jeopardy did not apply. Defendant was never in jeopardy because of the bribed juror. If these 12 and possibly the judge and prosecutor were filling a political agenda, he should be retried in federal court and all involved jailed.

    Any legal scholars out there ?


    Nope. Dump his ass over the border with a trench in his head. He’s not a US citizen. Why have the tax payers pay for this piece of shit.
    Who should be charged in Federal Court for STEINLE’S murder is SF’s Chief of Police and the City Council.

  6. @J B Books – IANAL, but a to the best of my knowledge in all U.S. states a finding that a jury was tampered with results in the declaration of a mistrial and no verdict is recorded. From a double jeopardy perspective, it is as though the first trial never happened. Although I’m less certain about it, I also believe that such a result cannot be appealed.

  7. @old racist white woman. Not ever.
    They’d label us white supremacists and pray for an
    Incident. Shit, local media here is still doing the happy dance about Charlottesville because of the action
    Of one knucklehead.

  8. Just heard on Savage radio show, that 3 of the jurors are illegal alien immigrants themselves. How does that work? They shouldn’t be in the country either, and yet they are deciding legal cases? And getting paid for it too? They don’t know the laws of this land. The extent of their knowledge is how to go around the laws, not comply with them.

  9. The diseased minded progs are happy this beaner got off because it makes Trump angry. That’s how sick those motherfuckers really are. They jury let a guilty man off because they’re minds were warped by SF identity politics. If a white guy had done the exact same crime, his ass would be on death row (but not really death row) in San Quinten right now.

  10. @Uncle Al & Toby Miles

    Thanks. Between the two of you it sounds like this trial was so FUBAR that the Feds could just go arrest the pendejo and it would seem the defense attorneys were probably also in on it so nail them as well. This leads to my favorite expression for solving a problem-“shoot’em all and let God sort them out.”

  11. It happened with the LA cops after a state jury acquitted them for beating Rodney King. Then King George the first (GHWB41) put the Feds on them and I think 3 were convicted of civil rights violations.

  12. What we need now is a benign dictatorship, if there is such a thing, but the Media outta be shut down for a year or so, so we can get back to some form of reality. The media are obviously anti American, anti President Trump, and living in a bubble of their own. The bubble is busting, they have more interest in their dicks than they do in reporting the news, which they are skewing anyway. Most of them are homosexuals and 99.9 percent of them are
    left wing socialists. Tell me I’m wrong!

  13. If AG Sessions has ANY balls at all (which I doubt very much) he’d issue arrest warrants for every scum politician in charge of sanctuary cities and states. I’d start with hangings in town squares to boost moral!

  14. joe6pack- I did hear that on Savage’s radio show, which comes out of SF. I’ll see if I can find confirmation of it. I didn’t make it up but I guess it is possible someone else did, and I wound up passing it along.

  15. joe6pack-
    The only qualifications, as to the status of the jurors’ immigration status, is that they are ‘naturalized,’ which would make them citizens. I’ll keep looking into it, for me, not necessarily you, as I’d like to definitively know. If I learn otherwise, I’ll post it here.

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