Kid Cries When Mermaid Sheds “Fin” in a Panic – IOTW Report

Kid Cries When Mermaid Sheds “Fin” in a Panic

14 Comments on Kid Cries When Mermaid Sheds “Fin” in a Panic

  1. Just WHO taught Ariel not to pee wherever she was on land, like she’d do in the sea?

    THAT seems like the kind of remake Current Year Disney could get behind.

  2. When we were transiting the San Bernadino straits in the Philippines going from the Pacific Ocean to the S. China Sea aboard the Kitty Hawk on our way to Subic Bay in late Dec. 1973 one of the guys in my fighter squadron swore up and down that he’d seen a mermaid off the side of the ship that turned out to be a manatee.


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