Teacher on MSNBC worries he can't discuss his love life with kindergarteners anymore: "It scares me that I am not going to be able to have these conversations with my children…I don’t want to have to hide that my partner and I went paddle boarding this weekend." pic.twitter.com/YJperIlzJB
— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) March 29, 2022
32 Comments on Kindergarten Teacher Upset Because He Feels He Can’t Talk To the Kids About His Homosexuality
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Homeschool, homeschool, homeschool. There are clones of this guy in schools all over the US, in every grade.
What is the well-being of your children worth to you?
I just saw an interview of a Hollywood conservative (whose name I can’t remember right now). When asked what he would do to change public education, he sat straight up in his chair and said, “Get your kids out of public school, NOW!”
“Paddle boarding”
I shudder to think what that euphemism REALLY means…
That shithead is exactly who we are trying to protect our kids and grandkids from! How can he say “my kids” when he has no kids and probably never will?
He needs a new job, away from children.
Mrs. Garrison would agree.
Hey Mr. Dinklefairy. Here’s an Altoid. Your breath smells like shit. Literally.
He say’s “partner” but you just know he tells the kids it’s his lover & husband.
OK Groomer. That faggot needs to stop referring to the student’s in his classroom as, “my kids”. They aren’t your kids, faggot. Your kids are swimming around in the shit in some dude’s digestive tract.
And they want guys like that in the military. China, Russia and North Korea are laughing at us.
We had a jerk who was drinking whiskey WHILE he was driving a full schoolbus to a sports event 2 hours away.
Coin toss if he is more dangerous than a homo mess who uses school kids as his therapists.
It used to be shameful to be gay
It used to be shameful to live on welfare
It used to be shameful to be an illegal alien
But, look what the dems have brought us to
The real shame should be admitting to being a dem
There is no way that this jerk should ever be allowed to be around children ever. My wife and I violated every rule in the book homeschooling our 3 kids and keeping them out of pubic screwels and they all turned out to be normal successful adults and we’d do it again. As far as this faggot goes fire his ass, revoke his teaches certificate and make sure that he has no contact with children ever in all 50 states and any other country worldwide for that matter. My generation of baby boomers may have been the last generation to actually have had a decent education and then the mid to late 60’s came along and ruined it forever.
@joe6pak March 30, 2022 at 12:12 am
> How can he say “my kids” when he has no kids and probably never will?
Oh, puh-lease! You can buy as many as you want on the internet. If you don’t live in Bumblefuck, Idaho, you can even buy them at Amazon Fresh. They’re right next to the Popplers.
You’re welcome.
And I always thought that Bumblefuck only existed in the Middle East in some muzzie hellhole or a communist country like Russia/China etc. Everywhere there are progtard shitheads a Bumblefuck village full of brainwashed idiots can be found.
Do kindergarten teachers normally discus their love life with their students? Been a long time since I’ve been in kindergarten, but I don’t remember any teacher discussing their love life. Or in any other grade.
In fact I’m old enough to remember when gay was a synonym for happy and root smoochers were known as queers and faggots. You know, the good old days.
Hey Jellybean, nothing is considered shameful anymore. That is the left’s creed – be proud!
Sin used to slither in the alleys. Now it struts in the streets.
His job is to teach kindergarten level academics. Not anything else.
He whines he needs to connect with the kids. My teachers connected by being fair and doing their jobs.
The only way we knew a teacher was married was if the were Miss or Mrs.
He and his ilk are all about grooming and justifying their life choices.
Does the drug addict teacher get upset that he can’t tell his kindergarten class about his “sick” weekend getting high?
Darn right. Get your kids out of any school that teaches anything other than academics.
What would Miss Florence of Romper Room say now 60 years later to her kids in kindergarten? I bet that she would have joined the the new and improved don’t bees by now, the do bees are so old fashioned and unhip and don’t want to indoctrinate little kids into all the wonders and marvels of liberalism. And what about Goofus and Gallant from the old kid’s magazine Highlights. Goofus would be the hero now and Gallant would be lectured to death about the evils of white male sexuality and patriarchy etc. I want the old way of teaching kids back, let kids be kids and fuck political correctness. And Captain Kangaroo would probably have a thing for Mr. Green Jeans now or want to screw Bunny Rabbit or Mr. Moose as well. I hate the left and their perverted ways of destroying the innocence of childhood.
That is the epitome of degenerate faggotry right there. Only a fucking pedo piece of fucking dogshit feels compelled to talk about his sexuality to school kids.
I’m thinking back to my school dazes and I do not ever recall (I have a good memory), of any teacher sharing their personal life with us students. I did not know if they were married, had children, pets., etc. We were there to learn and the only sharing of anything was an hour of show & tell by the students. I loved that part of class time. Oh, and we never had faggots (that I knew of) until I got to high school There were 2 lesbians, they stayed to themselves. Small town…..
If he had a shred of decency this would not be an issue whatsoever.
Boy howdy. I wish my hot 8th grade history teacher would have told me about her private business back in the 60’s. LOL.
So, he can’t say that he went paddle boarding with a friend? Why push an agenda?
I don’t ever remember a teacher talking about himself or herself the whole time I was in school, even high school or college. They were there to teach and they expected you to learn or get held back or flunk.
Why is a queer teaching kindergarten?
Because “Eight Is Too Late”.
He’s grooming little kids for a lifetime of sin.
Remember, a long time ago, when education was more about teaching kids how to be useful, productive members of society, instead of teachers unionized to prevent kids from being useful, productive members of society?
They are not your kids you degenerate!
Fuckin’ morons.
How about we send him and “partner” on an all expense paid trip to Iraq.
“MY” children?
That’s why homeschooling exists, thank God.