Knights of Columbus Raising $2 Million to Rebuild Iraqi Town and Return Christians to Their Homes – IOTW Report

Knights of Columbus Raising $2 Million to Rebuild Iraqi Town and Return Christians to Their Homes

( – The Knights of Columbus announced this week that they are raising $2 million to help rebuild Karmedes, a largely Christian town on the Nineveh Plain in northern Iraq that was liberated from ISIS, and resettle the Christian and other religious minority families that were displaced from their homes there.

It costs about $2,000 to resettle one family, said the Knights of Columbus in a statement, so a thousand donations of $2,000 will reach the goal of $2 million. One hundred percent of the money raised will be used for the project.  more here

10 Comments on Knights of Columbus Raising $2 Million to Rebuild Iraqi Town and Return Christians to Their Homes

  1. I would not go back if you paid me. It would be like sending Jews after WWII came to an end back to Poland, Germany or Austria.

    Their neighbors tried to murder them. What is to prevent their neighbors from trying to do it again?

    Now, if the new homes are RPG proof with loop holes in the walls and each house is placed to give covering fire to the other neighbor so the whole Christian town becomes in effect a killing field for any ISIS type who walks into it, well, ok then. But for some reason I don’t see it playing out that way.

  2. you people are so cynical. Sad.

    The religious include the Yazidis who have a complex religion IMO. Poland is also putting money in the project. Yes includes Roman Catholics. Other minority denominations will probably benefit from the renewal.

  3. The K of C has done some outstanding work through the years on local and on national levels.

    When I was in early elementary school, the K of C had a drive or program to promote the name of our God to be reverenced and not taken in vain. It made a big impression on me. To this day my skin crawls when someone blasphemes His Name.

  4. While a nice sentiment, a bit premature yet. Even though WASWAS has been chased out of town, I get the feeling it’s only temporary. I’m with Judge Roy on this one.

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