Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years – IOTW Report

Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years

Breitbart: The economy is now at its best in a decade, according to economist and CNBC regular Larry Kudlow.

“The business side of the economy, the supply side, is doing very well,” Kudlow said Sunday on New York AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable.”

“It’s the best showing we’ve seen — I don’t know, probably in over 10 years,” he added. “It’s as though businesses are sniffing out tax cuts, and they’re starting to pull the trigger on some investments. And that, of course, will lead to higher wages. I like that a lot because that’s been the worst area of the economy, business investments, and I think the stock market loves it.”  MORE

7 Comments on Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years

  1. I’m just praying that ChicagoLand isn’t left behind.

    Let’s be honest. It’s not like Pres. Trump is feeling the love from the asshatted Illinois mouth-breather blue-state shitheads.

  2. You can see it just about across everything. 401ks, everything. Wonder what happened to the previous 10 years? Hmmm…….

    Greater than 3% growth in GDP during the last two quarters. ‘nuf said.

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