Late Night Contest by Diogenes – IOTW Report

Late Night Contest by Diogenes

Highest thumbed comment, and editor’s pick, gets a Breitbart is Here sticker – about 5″x5″.

Since the Emperor has set about renaming a traditional site such as Mt. McKinley, what could be next? Renaming the Grand Canyon ‘Mooch’s Gash’?
I suggest a late night contest: Obama Renames your favorite national park / monument.

Here’s my contribution if you chose to do so. Niagara Falls renamed “Hillary Falls”.  -Diogenes.

Contest ends noon tomorrow.

147 Comments on Late Night Contest by Diogenes

  1. George Washington Bridge to George Washington’s Slaves Reparations Bridge.

    “We be closin dat bitch down ifn we don’t get tollboofs fo people leavin NY.”

  2. The pledge will be redone.

    “I pledge allegiance to the Democrats of the United Sharia States of America, and to the state for which it stands, one nation under Mohammad, indefensible, with diversity and social justice for all.”

  3. Hawaii becomes the Birthplace of First US Emperor

    For the sake of tourism,
    they can conjure up a myth that the Big Zero stood at the crater of a volcano and destroyed the US Constitution all by himself

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