Latest Biden Attack On President Raises Serious Red Flags About Security Risks – IOTW Report

Latest Biden Attack On President Raises Serious Red Flags About Security Risks

cbs news

President-elect Joe Biden painted a grim landscape of the state of the nation’s national security and foreign policy agencies, warning that in the four years that President Trump has been in office, those departments have incurred “enormous damage” and have been “hollowed out in personnel, capacity and in morale.”

Remarking on the agency review process that has taken place in the weeks since the election, Mr. Biden said that in some instances, his teams working to assess the state of the federal government have received “exemplary cooperation” from career staff. 

But from others, “most notably the Department of Defense, we encountered obstruction from the political leadership,” he said. More

Biden’s whining about not getting his hands on intel raises questions about why the Trump Administration is deny him access. In particular, what are they keeping from him and are they shutting him and his people out because they are a clear threat to national security? – Dr. Tar

16 Comments on Latest Biden Attack On President Raises Serious Red Flags About Security Risks

  1. It wasn’t really Trump who stopped the security briefings. It was the secretary of defense.
    Rumor has it they dropped a poison pill in the very first security briefing and sure as shit it showed up while we were surveilling the Chicoms.

  2. Biden has already proven he is a clear threat to national security. Why would he have access to anything.
    Biden is just trying to figure out who may be sympathetic to putting a hit on Trump.

  3. He shouldn’t be griping, at least not publicly, in a matter of weeks he can correct the situation without stirring up more divisions among the people between now and then.

  4. are they shutting him and his people out because they are a clear threat to national security?

    You broke the code.

    If you combine Biden and Harris’s IQ you would still be in double digits.

    Before or after the decimal point?

  5. Jackass Joe is a direct pipeline to Uncle Xi at the very highest level!!! The Chicoms would tell JJ to spike the football into the Whitehouse dumpster!! This is the worse security compromise ever!!

  6. “But from others, “most notably the Department of Defense, we encountered obstruction from the political leadership,”

    I’m interpreting that as a very good sign.

    Of all federal government departments, the most loyal to America would and should be the armed forces.

  7. In his salad days, Buyden blabbed like a gossiping girl when he got any whiff of classified material.

    Now that his brain is a baked potato, did anyone expect anything but LUNACY installing him as CIC ??

    Kamalla may be the only person who could be worse !
    (she is Biden’s insurance policy! How low can you go?)


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