LEAKED EMAIL: Podesta Tells Hillary To Court ‘Needy Latinos’, Calls NM Gov. Richardson a d!ck – IOTW Report

LEAKED EMAIL: Podesta Tells Hillary To Court ‘Needy Latinos’, Calls NM Gov. Richardson a d!ck

Hannity: Hillary Clinton might have some issues with latino voters after this one.

In WikiLeaks’ most recent dump of emails from John Podesta, the Clinton Campaign chairman encourages Hillary to reach out to the voting block, calling them “needy.”

In an email from August of 2015 with the subject line “Needy Latinos and 1 easy call”, Podesta encourages Clinton aid Huma Abedin to tell Clinton to consider calling former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and former Energy Secretary Federico Pena and ask personally for their endorsement. In the process, Podesta also calls Richardson a “dick.”

“I had heard that you were upset that I encouraged a call between WJC and Richardson to bury the hatchet”‘ Podesta wrote to Abedin. “Richardson is still on TV a lot, especially on Univision and Telemundo and not withstanding the fact that he can be a dick, it was worth getting him in a good place.”

Here’s the email in question

13 Comments on LEAKED EMAIL: Podesta Tells Hillary To Court ‘Needy Latinos’, Calls NM Gov. Richardson a d!ck

  1. THE CLINTONISTAS….the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you WikiLeaks!! I hope word get to Trump to start broadcasting this tidbit. It will turn the Latinos against Gramma Cankles like nothing else will.

  2. Does anybody know a site that has a summary to date of all this shit? I am going too “accidentally” send it out on my work’s intranet to 60K plus employees across America. I’ll write an apology email a day or 2 later after the dust settles. Still not as bad as the time one of the execs sent pics of his ugly wife out.

  3. Tony, semantically and linguistically, “pussy” and “dick” are considered mildly offensive. The big difference is that in current culture being mildly offensive toward men is not only OK, it is positively encouraged, but being mildly offensive toward wymyn is grounds for castration and/or burning at the stake.

  4. @muddjuice – Very good point. I wonder if the collectivist hive even considers the likes of Coulter as members of the human race?

    No, that’s a silly question. It assumes that the hive has any first-hand familiarity with the human race and that is not a fact in evidence.

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