Lefty Annual Dutch Rudder Ceremony Becomes Trump Bashing-Fest – IOTW Report

Lefty Annual Dutch Rudder Ceremony Becomes Trump Bashing-Fest


(Apparently they haven’t gotten the memo yet. It’s time to switch to Cruz-bashing.)

Norman Lear and a bunch of fellow lefties got together in Hollywood for a collective reach around at the annual Spirit of LIB-erty awards dinner held by Lear’s People For the American Way.


 Not a Trump Fan

 Judd Apatow and Elizabeth Warren (D MA) joined in on the Trump bashing with Apatow giving Trump’s book a nice plug- “I urge you to pick it up so you can get the energy you need to fight this.”



18 Comments on Lefty Annual Dutch Rudder Ceremony Becomes Trump Bashing-Fest

  1. There is a couple things I don’t get. One of them is what in the world is a Dutch Rudder? There is something else that I have spent too much time wondering about but I can’t think of it right now.

  2. Bashing, kicking, screaming, crying are techniques used by leftardia to block any common sense from sinking in. That and plugging their ears to be like a muzz LALALALALLALALALA..

  3. Lear’s Archie Bunker was a little racist but funny. A put down on working class racist (conservative) whites. Today, “All in the Family” would probably be banned as the miliniums (?) can’t take a joke. Lear made his fortune and, at 92, I’m sure he really doesn’t give a shit.

  4. Trump will steam-roll these worthless commies without even breaking a sweat. Amazing how patient & merciful God has been with Norman with his life-long attack on the family unit. God has let Norman live 93 years & but it seems that the liberal cancer is terminal for Norman. I am afraid that it is going to have Eternal consequences…..

    A couple of great quotes that I have picked up along the way (were they here??)

    “When Trump wins, the suicide rate on the left side will skyrocket. Hollywood will look like Jonestown.”

    “Trump must be right over the target given the amount of flack he is getting.”

    “The Republican Party couldn’t begin to buy this much attention.”

    “Low info Trump hater keep voting Dem, maybe you can become plantation boss.”

  5. In getting to and from this event, there were probably some participants who steered cleared of San Bernardino. You know, in case global warming or Christians/Jews triggered more work place violence.

  6. That’s why you have to shoot them in the head multiple times to allow assimilation of relevant facts and figures past their plugged ears. If they still fail to assimilate the information, well, who cares, they won’t be bothering anyone nor will they be voting during the next cycle.

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