Legal Opponent Attacks Giuliani’s Arguments- Breaking: PA High Court of Appeals To Hear Challenge By Trump Campaign – IOTW Report

Legal Opponent Attacks Giuliani’s Arguments- Breaking: PA High Court of Appeals To Hear Challenge By Trump Campaign

Yahoo! Entertainment

Mark Aronchick, an attorney representing four Pennsylvania counties as the Trump campaign continues disputing the results of the election, found himself going head-to-head with President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giulaini in federal court on Tuesday, and Aronchick was not impressed with the argument Giuliani put forth. Aronchick said that Giuliani failed to prove any conspiracy or fraud. In fact, according to Aronchick, when pressed by the judge on the notion of fraud, Giuliani was forced to admit that fraud was not even part of the complaint. Aronchick said most of what Giuliani presented was “small-ball stuff” and that overall it just didn’t make sense. Here

Other outlets running with Aronchicks negative review of Giuliani’s performance Here and Here

Breaking: Pennsylvania High Court To Hear Trump Challenge To Thousands of Votes. Here

Who’s playing with his “small-balls” now Mr. Aronchick? – Dr. Tar

17 Comments on Legal Opponent Attacks Giuliani’s Arguments- Breaking: PA High Court of Appeals To Hear Challenge By Trump Campaign

  1. Mmhm. Because left media blah blah blah. Yes, fraud was part of the complaint.
    And I heard from everywhere else that Giuliani did a good job. About fraud both in broad terms (US) and specifically in PA directly.

  2. I don’t understand this part:

    “In another Trump lawsuit, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled against the campaign on Tuesday and said Philadelphia officials acted reasonably in keeping Trump observers behind barricades and 15 feet (4.5 m) from counting tables.”

    What observers? Looky-loos? Or people that were supposed to put eyeballs on paper? If it’s the latter, then it’s time to look for another judge and appeal it.

  3. It’s a Yahoo site. Of all of the supposed news sites out there, Yahoo is one of the most deceptive; deceptive enough that I don’t bother to pay any attention to the headlines or the articles anymore because they are generally garbage.

    The media has moved from “there was no fraud” to “there was no substantial fraud” to “there wasn’t enough fraud to affect the election.” So…they’re telling me that yes, there was fraud. Free and fair elections is what separates the United States from some of those Central America hell holes, but now…not so much.

    Biden and the Democrats say they want unity, but their actions, and the actions of their media lackeys, clearly indicate they have no intention of even trying to reach the 50% of Americans who didn’t vote for them. Trump is contesting the votes in only a few jurisdictions, and even in those states in only a few large urban areas. If Biden believes there was no fraud, then let those jurisdictions perform a recount and examine suspicious behavior – in other words protect one of the bedrocks of our republic and if Biden did actually win, then he actually won. But neither the Democrats nor the media are interested in free and fair elections – they want power and their lust for power will continue to alienate half of the American people. To a large percentage of the population, Biden is and always will be an illegitimate president if that is what ends up happening.

    Yahoo! entertainment, no less. Watching the downfall of the republic is good clean fun to them? – Dr. Tar

  4. I still think that Sidney Powell’s case against the legitimacy of the mass computer system software issue is the key to getting the Supreme Court to turn this over to the state legislatures.

  5. Brad, yes, that’s what’s going to happen.
    For example, when that judge yesterday said that the Republicans couldn’t appeal his ruling anywhere in Pennsylvania. That’s going to SCOTUS.

    mickey moussaoui, That case would help, for sure.

  6. I’ve practiced law in federal courts for more than than four decades.
    I also listened to the entire hearing yesterday.
    If Giuliani came to me for an attorney job and used his performance yesterday as a reason to hire him, I would reject him on the spot.
    He was not prepared on the legal issues, big and small.
    Some of his mistakes were embarrassing.

    For those who say the plan is to lose in trial court so you can go to SCOTUS are missing is the only legal issues, facts, and rulings an appellate court, including SCOTUS, can consider or review, are those in the trial court record. That record is crucial. Intentionally losing is not an option.

  7. All Too Much

    That’s sad to hear. I have been very disappointed in his TV appearances. He seems, like you say, unprepared. I know just enough about the law to know that SCOTUS will only hear the argument that was placed at the state level. I wasn’t suggesting Trump lawyers were trying to intentionally lose.

  8. @All Too Much and Brad

    I too have not been impressed with Rudy’s presentation of his “case” on various interview sites. Not only that, but I haven’t been very impressed with Sidney Powell either. Her slow talking southern drawl not withstanding, there is no passion, no fire, no righteous indignation. A lot of (muted) sizzle, but no steak. They are offering mercury when I want iron. Their case keeps evading being pinned down for quantifiable facts.


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