Lesbian Activist Faces Leftist Fury After ‘Misgendering’ a Male Rapist – IOTW Report

Lesbian Activist Faces Leftist Fury After ‘Misgendering’ a Male Rapist

MRCtv: The LGBT community can’t even escape the fury that comes with the incorrect use of gender pronouns.

Julia Beck, a lesbian activist and former member of the LGBTQ Commission for the mayor of Baltimore, got in a “little trouble” after she called a male rapist “he” when “he” actually considered himself a transgendered woman.

During a conservative discussion panel at the Heritage Foundation on Monday, Beck told the story she described as “unbelievable and absurd as it is common place.”

“I got kicked off of the Baltimore mayor’s LGBTQ Commission as the only lesbian, simply for stating biological facts,” she said. “After a months long witch hunt I was found guilty of ‘violence.’ My crime? Using male pronouns to talk about a convicted male rapist who identifies as transgender and prefers female pronouns.”

Beck went on to expose the foolishness of the Baltimore LGBTQ commission for their concern of using correct gender pronouns as opposed to their concern for a male rapist infiltrating a female prison based on how he identifies.

“It doesn’t matter that he sexually assaulted two women in a women’s prison after being transferred there on account of his ‘gender identity,’ she continued. “Oh no, it is far more criminal for me to call a male rapist “he” than it is for him to rape.”

The lesbian activist was brought before the Baltimore Transgender Alliance (BTA) to have her “fitness as a leader” assessed and she describes her experience as “worst than you can imagine.” The president of the BTA, who is a man that identifies as a woman and a lesbian, accused Beck of “transphobia” and everything went down from there.

“Biological sex was a thing of the past,” she described one man in the meeting as saying.  more here

9 Comments on Lesbian Activist Faces Leftist Fury After ‘Misgendering’ a Male Rapist

  1. Leftists engaging in cannibalism with each other is so entertaining! A bunch of confused deviants attacking another confused deviant over not using enough confusing deviant language. Hahaha!

    I will never play their stupid game.

  2. Hawaii Five0 tonight had a story about neonazi bomber, but also had a side story on the van the bomber stole and his murdering the van’s owner, a homosexual, who was counseling a young girl who identified as a lesbian. Of course, the Christian parents who wanted to save their daughter were painted as being as bad as the neonazi bomber. The girl had to liberate herself from them.


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