Let’s Stop Calling Them Never Trump ‘Republicans’ – IOTW Report

Let’s Stop Calling Them Never Trump ‘Republicans’


Clean Up On Aisle Failure

My various misgivings with the mainstream media and liberal bias are never-ending and well-chronicled. There are cyclical variations on a theme, with some themes cropping up more than others.

A recent peeve of mine is the continued use in the political press of the phrase “Never Trump Republicans.”

It’s been popping up more often, most recently in the news that “Never Trump Republicans” are trying to defibrillate Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep’s campaign in New Hampshire:

Embittered “Never Trump” Republicans  tied to former Ohio Gov. John Kasich have secretly schemed to assist Joe Biden’s campaign — because they think he’s the only Democrat who can beat the president and help them get “revenge,” The Post has learned.

Emails obtained by The Post show that two top staffers from Kasich’s failed, 2016 primary campaign and Ohio’s former GOP chairman, a Kasich ally, were among those involved in efforts to boost support for the former vice president in last week’s botched Iowa caucus and Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary.

It’s rich that this group is tied to Kasich, who was the worst kind of Republican before Never Trump became a thing. That a group of failed, flailing Republicans from 2016 is now trying to help a Democrat in 2020 only to see him fall apart is particularly delightful.

Here was my initial reaction to seeing this news about this group trying to save Biden:

16 Comments on Let’s Stop Calling Them Never Trump ‘Republicans’

  1. Kinda makes sense from the standpoint that Kasich is a worthless, gutless welch who is in no way qualified to hold public office let alone the public trust while Jackass Joe is a stone-cold, crooked-ass, Tourettes-addled, grinning imbecile with the mental agility of a small plant stand. Other than that they’re both losers only one has an R after the name and the other has a D.

  2. …hmm, seems like I had this conversation earlier. What I said there, still true here…


    FEBRUARY 11, 2020 AT 12:56 PM
    FEBRUARY 11, 2020 AT 11:35 AM
    @ Supernightshade FEBRUARY 11, 2020 AT 11:24 AM

    “The Bloomturd write in voters who identify as Repoublican are no less Republican than your choice of establishment Republican politicians.”

    FEBRUARY 11, 2020 AT 11:49 AM
    @Supernightshade February 11, 2020 at 11:24 am

    “> …stop calling things “Republican”

    They completely, and totally are.”

    …you are both correct, at present, but I, for one, am tired of letting leftists, INCLUDING “establishment” “Republicans”, dictate the meaning of perfectly good words.

    Our President IS a REPUBLICAN. As far as I am concerned, he’s THE Republican. Anyone who isn’t on board with him as the leader of the party and avitar of the will of the people who elected him needs to get on board, or go sit down on the other side of the aisle.

    …not everyone who calls themselves Chirstian follows Christ.

    It doesn’t mean I’m willing to surrender Christianity to them.

    Not everyone who calls themselves American wants America to survive.

    But I will not surrender America to them.

    Not everyone who calls themselves a woman IS a woman.

    It doesn’t mean I’m going to let them tell me what a woman is, when the Lord defined it for all time at the dawn of Creation, and wrote it unalterably in the very DNA of EACH and EVERY actual female.

    …too long have we given them control of the language.

    No more.

    Not with THIS President.

    My President is a REPUBLICAN. HE is working to make that mean something, and to take back the word.

    ..can I do LESS?

    Should WE do less?

    …no, I will NOT surrender another inch to them.

    …you, however, may do you will.

    …but once you START yielding, it gets pretty tough to STOP…

  3. A particularly odiferous nest of Never-Trumpards is over at a blog called Patterico. Accidentally stumbled on them from a link at The Gateway Pundit. That place is an IQ blackhole and will suck every brain cell out of your head. Avoid it like the coronavirus. Of course, The Queen of the Never-Trumpards is none other than Ben Shapiro herself. She never really makes it through a show without purposefully damning Trump with faint praise all along. That and constantly tilting against the invisible & intangible windmills of white nationalism and the far-right make her show unlistenable.


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