Libs Start Petition to Name Street Outside Trump Tower After Obama – IOTW Report

Libs Start Petition to Name Street Outside Trump Tower After Obama


Obama supporters are paying homage to their middle school days by trolling President Trump. Elizabeth Rowin, the woman who started the petition spoke with Newsweek and said she “honestly started it as a joke…I saw a comedian joke about how it would make Trump so mad if it was named after former President Obama and thought why not.”

Rowin wrote to New York City Council and supposedly “got responses from several members assuring they would pursue the case.” The petition specifically addresses renaming stretch of Fifth Avenue between 56th and 57th street, which is where Trump towers is located, be named “President Barack H. Obama.”

22 Comments on Libs Start Petition to Name Street Outside Trump Tower After Obama

  1. Well that’s an area of the city with world-famous merchants and Fifth Avenue has an upscale commercial name of long-standing. I doubt everyone there will be thrilled to have to put a new address on all their stationery, signs, advertising, buildings and other stuff. Ditto maps, subways, tourist info and so forth. So the city can rename part of the street all it wants to, but I suspect that it largely would be ignored.

  2. They will likely just designate that stretch with an honorary name and put up a couple of special street signs. No way will NYC actually rename that street even under Mayor Wilhelm.

  3. New Yorkers love giving up their prestigious street names and area codes don’t they?

    Now, what street am I on? 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Barack Obama’s Hershey Highway, 6th, 7th.

    Do fuck off.

  4. I could go along with naming the sewer that runs below that stretch of street after Obozo. It would already have a large crowd of screeching, hairless tailed fans of their benefactor.

  5. Renaming anything after Obama won’t age well.

    How sweet will it be when lefties become unhinged and accuse you of using a racial slur when you call them Obama?

  6. “Rowin wrote to New York City Council and supposedly “got responses from several members assuring they would pursue the case.” ”

    …sure am glad NYC solved all their REAL problems so they can spend time on juvenile political spiteing…

  7. …and I’m SURE all the business owners on the street will be DELIGHTED to pitch all their advertising and printed material with the old street name on it and spend time updating their clients and vendors on their new address just so the “resist we much” crowd can get a LOL…

  8. Here is what I imagine will happen the day the street is named after Barack Obama. Donald Trump will walk out the front of his “tower” and then STAND on ‘Barack Obama’ street. He might then say, “so much for Obama’s legacy, I’m up there and he’s down here.” Then he can rub his heel on the street. Is that what they really want???


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