LifeSite News Editor Weighs in on Chick-fil-A Betrayal – IOTW Report

LifeSite News Editor Weighs in on Chick-fil-A Betrayal

ht/ fdr in hell

27 Comments on LifeSite News Editor Weighs in on Chick-fil-A Betrayal

  1. “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”
    Mat. 7:21-23


  2. The chick FIL a logo is now as despicable as the Nike and GOPe logo. Forget the shit hole exists.

    Nike has morons as a base, and the GOPe is paid by the swamp. But chick FIL a was supported by us. Now, their base is gone. So will their restaurants go the way of gilette and Dickhead’s Sporting goods.

  3. Forget the Chick-fil-A (CFA) stopped supporting the Salvation Army, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, etc. bullshit, that is just a smokescreen. CFA has been deceiving us for years!!!

    Chick-fil-A has long-ago adopted a “corporate social responsibility” stance which amounts to little more than, “…virtue signaling by capitalists to anti-capitalists.” They have been giving huge amounts of money to leftist groups such as; the Southern Poverty Law Center, Atlanta’s Westside Future Fund, Sustainable Atlanta, UNICEF, the Andrew Young Foundation, the Latino Leaders Network, the Harvard Debate Diversity Network, the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, and the Friends of Refugees who, “…boasts of resettling the sort of refugees who would demand that Chick-fil-A go Halal.

    Huge sums of money, hundreds or thousands of times greater than what they used to give to Christian charities!!!

    Chick-fil-A Put an Obama and Hillary Supporter in Charge, but Dumped Christians

    Cowardice and Capitulation: The Shocking Things Chick-fil-A Funds

  4. Very true Anon,

    I might, could have tolerated a moment of weakness meekly repented. Not only are they neither repentant, nor meek, but, coming to light is a clear pattern of naked deceit going way back to 2012. All the while reaping benefits of our enthusiastic and repetitive support, subsequently elevating their chain to #3, nationwide. Leaves me speculating whether that public stance was, all along, purely a snake-oil-sham engineered to fleece operating capital from the faithful. It’s been done before.

    Such blatant dishonesty, I will not abide! I’d never eaten at Chik-fil-a prior to Cathy’s public ‘testimony’, but did almost weekly, afterwards. Even catered in numerous biz events. That was stopped, with prejudice. I imagine I’m not alone in my exodus.

    They can run their woke pitch to this new ‘lucrative’ LGBTALPHABET market-space in a progressive search of greater corporate growth. Regrettably, while largely affluent (and exponentially noisy), this segment is statistically very small, and, besides, they do not spend money at places like Chik-fil-a…it’s far too pedestrian for their grandiose affectations. Their only interactions of note are boycotts.

    Get Woke, Go Broke!


  5. This whole controversy reminds me of an accurate comment made long ago. It was by a liberal about the appeal of Reagan: he sounded religious to religious people longing for social validation, but Reagan himself wasn’t particularly religious. Trump arguably less so but the same process has repeated itself with him.

    Point is, no company of national chain size could ever be Christ-following in any meaningful sense so I’m not sure why so many people are disappointed by this revelation of old news. It’s as if they have been personally betrayed by a trusted friend. Fact is, business is business. Puah comes to shove, the Bottom Line is always the bottom line.

    Will I withhold my money from Chick-fil-A? Yep, already doing so and explained to my daughters why. But I have no illusions about what actually happened here. I can’t be betrayed by somebody who never had my trust to begin with…much less by a faceless corporation.

  6. How is it that this has gone on for at least 7 years and no reporter reported it? Not one ever looked at the Chick-fil-A Foundation pattern of giving? No one even checked out the Foundation when it was formed in 2012? No one recognized the SJW codespeak? It took dropping Salvation Army from the list of PC causes…

  7. Perhaps coincidence, but the Chick-Fil-A that’s right next to my son’s place of employment had only 2 cars in the drive thru last night when dropping him off, and no one in the drive thru when picking him up. The line of cars is usually around the entire building on a Saturday evening, the entire evening.

    They’ve officially got both sides abandoning them. Good work, goofs.

  8. “How is it that this has gone on for at least 7 years and no reporter reported it?”

    Hoping against being disappointed, people on the Right just didn’t want to check, or so trusted CFA that they never thought to?

  9. I hate to say it because of lost jobs but I do hope they end up swirling the drain. Most of their business came from conservatives (I suspect) while a smaller portion came from the left. The left that went will continue to go but it’s unlikely any of the left that refused to go before will go now. They’ll have figured that they crushed the enemy so they’ll still go to their favorite soy and salad place. I only hope the fall is quick and steep so that the board will decide to fire everyone on their charity arm, do a 180 in their giving, restore funding to the Sally Ann and others and apologize to the public in a clear, honest and meaningful way and promise to make their giving public and then ask for another chance. If they do it right the business (if it drops off) will come back perhaps with even more support from the conservatives.

    However this would take a real commitment from conservatives in boycotting the place, writing letters to the company explaining in detail (and actually signing them not this anonymous) why they are leaving and persuading everyone they can not to favor them with trade. I wrote mine to the Canadian office, have you written yours?

  10. It is the time of year for Salvation Army collection buckets. Every time I see one, I put several dollars in the bucket and tell the collector “My chicken sandwich money directly to you.”

  11. Christians made them rich and now they are betraying Christians.

    1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version (KJV)

    10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

  12. Scr_North:

    My words exactly!If they want to do the right thing, they have to get ahead of this deception. I do especially shop at stores that support my values. And that goes for eateries and entertainment. I think there was an obvious-if not blatant-appeal to Christian families to support the franchise. But not many people bother to check the IRS forms to know where the profits are going. That has changed now. Do what you feel you must.

  13. Perhaps CFA simply has a bottom line mission to support whomever supplies the greatest capital gain. Why would Christians, who know their their Bible, be surprised that many will choose the beast over Christ?
    – Matthew 24:26 – Only in this case it is Chick-fil-a instead of a desert.
    In truth, I have never been to a CFA nor have I eaten anything they sell. NO virtue here, believe me, just not big on fast foods.

  14. The information about CFA made the MSM because it suited the purpose of the liberal agenda–shut CFA’s support base down. It has worked. The CEO of the CFA charity organization is a liberal mole and did his double agent duty in publicly exposing the CFA double-dealing giving. The fact that he announced that CFA would stop supporting Christ-centered organizations was the liberal power play to sever Christian consumer support. BUT note that there has been no announced cutting off support to the liberal, anti-Christian organizations or politicians. Essentially, openly denying their alleged faith in Jesus. The Cathey family are the sole owners of CFA. It is not open to public investors. So the family is responsible for its own message, and therefore should be held accountable for the CFA deception. Remember when Peter denied Christ 3 times? He repented later and Jesus forgave him, but Peter eventually was put to death for his strong faith. Christians are instructed to accept rejection as being blessed for their faith. As Jesus was blessed for His obedience to His Father. Only by the Holy Spirit do Christians have the strength and power to live in obedience to Jesus Christ.

  15. The CFA corporate billionaires have also stabbed their franchise contractors in the back. Just like Judas and his 30 pieces of silver.

    It costs nearly nothing to open a Chick-fil-A — but there’s a catch
    Hayley Peterson Apr 24, 2019, 11:41 AM
    “Chick-fil-A, on the other hand, pays for all startup costs — including real estate, restaurant construction, and equipment.”
    “In turn, the company leases everything to its franchisees for an ongoing fee equal to 15% of sales plus 50% of pretax profit remaining, the Chick-fil-A spokeswoman Amanda Hannah told Business Insider.
    “The barrier to entry for being a franchisee is never going to be money,” Hannah said. “We seek to find the very best business partners who find great joy in making other people’s days. They do so with a combination of great business acumen, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a passion for serving others.””
    “So what’s the catch?
    While Chick-fil-A’s startup costs are low, the ongoing fees are higher than those charged by many of its rivals.”

    “The Chick-fil-A franchise opportunity represents an exceptional offering in the quick-service restaurant industry. For an initial financial fee of $10,000 selected franchisees (who we call Operators) are granted the rights necessary to operate a franchised Chick-fil-A Restaurant business. Chick-fil-A, Inc. is also looking for people interested in franchised locations in Canada for an initial investment of $15,000 (CAD). The Chick-fil-A franchise opportunity requires that the individual be free of any other active business ventures and operate the restaurant on a full-time, hands-on basis.”

    Meet the Cathys, heirs to the Chick-fil-A empire, who have a fortune of more than $11 billion and are one of America’s wealthiest family ‘dynasties’
    Hillary Hoffower Mar 14, 2019, 12:41 PM

  16. When Cathy made the conscious decision to put an Obama-Hillary fundraiser/supporter in charge of his charitable foundation he knew exactly what to expect, exactly what he’d get, and he was fine with it. Cathy is a deceitful liar, a sack of garbage that has capitalized off the good will of Christians while laughing at the rubes behind their back.


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