Limbaugh: Trump Hits a Home Run in Detroit – IOTW Report

Limbaugh: Trump Hits a Home Run in Detroit

Rush Limbaugh:  Yeah, I checked in with Trump and his speech at the Economic Club of Detroit, and I gotta tell you: This audience is eating it up.  He is bashing Hillary Clinton’s economics. I heard him preview what his tax philosophy is, and he practically got a standing ovation on that one. He hasn’t gotten into detail yet except on one thing, and in the middle of it when he started talking about only his campaign’s reaching out to everybody and trying to unite everybody, some protestor started screeching like Hillary Clinton, and they had to drag her out of there.

-Read the rest and watch the video HERE

28 Comments on Limbaugh: Trump Hits a Home Run in Detroit

  1. The BHO 8 years will be known as the American “Lost Years.”
    It pains me when I think of all the wealth that could have been created, yet was not, due to BHO and Uniparty policies.

    Let Hilliary bragged about < 2% annual growth status quo rate while Trump marches ahead with proven ideas designed to increase GDP.

    Trump 2016!

    The movement must be sustained to clean up Congress in 2018, 2020, 2022. We cannot rest.

  2. The speech was interrupted every 5 minutes by one shrieking broad after another. That Hillary’s team felt the need to interrupt 14 times, well coordinated, shows that the left is desperate.
    I guess the left gets to decide who does or does not have 1st amendment rights.

  3. The speech was killer-not just a twofer but a threefer as he slammed Hillary, slammed Obama/Jarrett and highlighted his economic plan. He pointed out the disastrous GDP and true unemployment numbers and laid it right at Obama’s feet. I know the little toothpick watched it and is seething. Look for some kind of childish bullshit today from him.

    You know he’s fearless when he says he’s going to lower the corporate income tax rate to 15%. He constantly went back to the hammering we’ve been getting the last 30+ years with these outrageous trade deals-that shit is over.

    He was also very restrained during the repeated interruptions by some screaming bitch(es) every other couple minutes. How fucking rude-try that bullshit at a Hillary rally.

    All in all, a very serious presentation by a serious man intent on making this country great again.

    As an aside, there’s just no way Cruz would have given anyway near a speech like this.

  4. Did anyone actually listen to that horrible speech. You Trumpster not even looking into who this man was from the very beginning just proposed a huge tax increase for everyone. Good job picking a progressive.

  5. Of course it is lost on peeps like TL who still fail to realize that the GOP Progressives, who made false promises in 2010, 2012 and 2014 to stop Obama and end his disastrous polices, are the reason we have Trump.

    If your GOP Progressives, Ryan, Bohner, McConnell, Graham, McCain, etc had shown half a backbone and tried to stop Obama, Trump is never the candidate. Never. Rubio really had the best shot until he decided amnesty was the way to go. Of course the GOP base said FU, we are not going with anymore establishment types after being lied to for the past 6 years. Your GOP establishment leadership is 10000% responsible for Trump being the candidate whether you like it or not.

    Oh and before you call me a Trumpster, I wanted Ted Cruz, he was my preferred choice until he imploded. Trump would never have been in my top 5 of choices, but its irrelevant now. Hillary has to be defeated in case you don’t realize what is at stake.

  6. TL, we have indeed been looking into who this man was, and one of the things we found out is that he always starts negotiations from an extreme position, in order to achieve a more moderate goal. Check it out for yourself. You’ll be surprised how effective that technique is for him.

  7. TL – did you ever listen to any Bernie Sander’s speeches? And no Hillary wants to destroy ‘Wall Street’ like the Dems did the rest of us.
    The only thing Trump hasn’t said, yet, is which part of gov’t spending has to be reduced to make his plan work. I say all of it.

  8. TL…. Anyone who doesn’t grasp the fact that tax revenue will need to be increased, i.e. Increased taxes, in able to start making a dent in our current debt, does not understand basic economics. A candidate’s decision on who coughs up more of the money can determine who wins. I’m fine with cutting out refunds to non-workers and entitlements. You also need to be wary of calling commenters on this site uninformed…..not very smart, Bro.

  9. Dear TL: Obama is the WORST ECONOMIC PRESIDENT IN 240 YEARS. Let me put that another way – not even Herbert Hoover in the depths of the depression produced worse economic results.

    Obama has not had 1 quarter where the GDP reached 3% – even with the sleight of hand apologist economists manipulating the data.

    I’ll take a guy who makes his living with real, tangible things and meets with serious, tangible consequences if his assumptions are wrong than any politician that lives in the world of ideas and never pays a price for their disasters.

  10. Jon, I’m not quite sure if you were being facetious or not…. Taxes are the only revenue for government to outrageously spend…that’s just a given. The Guy’s complaint was increased taxes. If you were being funny, I’ll high five you on it. If not, I’ll modify my “uniformed” retort.

  11. Gwenn, you said “tax revenue will need to be increased, i.e. Increased taxes, in able to start making a dent in our current debt”. That is retarded. You can raise taxes to 100% of GDP and we’re not getting out of debt. SPENDING is the problem. Not tax revenue.

  12. Jon, I never said we would get out of debt because the US economy falls under the same mathematics as my wallet. If you spend more than what’s coming in, your debt increases exponentially. Taxes are the major basis of our income. In order to pay down any debt, you have to spend less than you earn. How do you figure that’s retarded? Again, the topic was increased taxes. Taxes equals income. Government spends too much… We already know that….it was implied.

  13. i only caught the highlight reels of Trumps speech. My impression is, was and will be, that Trump is the MAN. No need for retarded Gary Johnson, or that female Ralph Nader or that femBOT with a short circuit.

  14. QUOTE -Of course it is lost on peeps like TL who still fail to realize that the GOP Progressives, who made false promises in 2010, 2012 and 2014 to stop Obama and end his disastrous polices, are the reason we have Trump.

    If your GOP Progressives, Ryan, Bohner, McConnell, Graham, McCain, etc had shown half a backbone and tried to stop Obama, Trump is never the candidate. Never. Rubio really had the best shot until he decided amnesty was the way to go. Of course the GOP base said FU, we are not going with anymore establishment types after being lied to for the past 6 years. Your GOP establishment leadership is 10000% responsible for Trump being the candidate whether you like it or not.

    Oh and before you call me a Trumpster, I wanted Ted Cruz, he was my preferred choice until he imploded. Trump would never have been in my top 5 of choices, but its irrelevant now. Hillary has to be defeated in case you don’t realize what is at stake. – QUOTE

    None of that is lost on me just pointing out the idiot Trump we are left with. Cruz did not implode the people just believed Trumps lies.

  15. QUOTE – TL, we have indeed been looking into who this man was, and one of the things we found out is that he always starts negotiations from an extreme position, in order to achieve a more moderate goal. Check it out for yourself. You’ll be surprised how effective that technique is for him. – QUOTE

    I don’t think you have or we would not be in the position to choose this man over Hillary.

  16. QUOTE – TL…. Anyone who doesn’t grasp the fact that tax revenue will need to be increased, i.e. Increased taxes, in able to start making a dent in our current debt, does not understand basic economics. A candidate’s decision on who coughs up more of the money can determine who wins. I’m fine with cutting out refunds to non-workers and entitlements. You also need to be wary of calling commenters on this site uninformed…..not very smart, Bro. – QUOTE

    Anyone who doesn’t grasp the fact that reducing government spending and the size of government first before raising one penny on a country with 95 million people unemployed along with a country on the verge of collapse is very scary.

  17. “Anyone who doesn’t grasp the fact that reducing government spending and the size of government first before raising one penny on a country with 95 million people unemployed along with a country on the verge of collapse is very scary.”

    You just explained why we NEED Trump better than anybody else here has done so far.

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