Lincoln University Exemplifies The Idiocy Of Left-Wing Thoughts and Actions – IOTW Report

Lincoln University Exemplifies The Idiocy Of Left-Wing Thoughts and Actions

A conservative student group at Lincoln University began publicizing that the institution was ranked poorly in regards to free speech.

The Students Union, in response, pulled all their social media accounts.

What else needs to be said?


9 Comments on Lincoln University Exemplifies The Idiocy Of Left-Wing Thoughts and Actions

  1. Perhaps the school can start a course “Hypocricy In Americ: How To Spot It And How To Avoid Being A Hypocrite.” But then again, a professor teaching the course would probably claim that Lincoln University believes in free speech except for hate speech, and any speech they disagree with is hate speech. Which would lead to another suggested course “Tortured Logic 101.”

  2. Why is it people who most need freedom of speech (because of the a-hole things they believe, say, and try to force on others) deserve it the least?

    Again we need to be united and loud: That’s not how America does it. If you don’t like what someone else believes vote against them, walk away, or just shout them down with others of like mind. — Pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

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