Liz Warren Continues Effort To End Congressional Insider Trading – IOTW Report

Liz Warren Continues Effort To End Congressional Insider Trading

Zero Hedge

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) wants to end what is effectively legalized insider trading by members of Congress by barring them from trading individual stocks ever again.

Warren first attempted to push through similar legislation with the Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act she introduced in 2018 and then again in 2020. Both bills unsurprisingly died in the Senate Finance Committee, which Warren sits on. More

10 Comments on Liz Warren Continues Effort To End Congressional Insider Trading

  1. This is one issue she got right. But the left doesn’t care when it’s one of their people doing the corruption. Tale their reaction to Biden’s “dealings” for example.

  2. How does she think Nancy Pelosi got so filthy stinking rich? This is dead on arrival because 98% of congress members either made their fortune this way, or are planning to.

  3. Pass a law stipulating that the net worth of a politician can’t increase while they are in office. Wouldn’t need term limits. Wouldn’t get many people who want to be politicians either which would be a good thing. The less they do, the better.

  4. I recommend:
    1. Pass a law increasing a congressperson’s or senator’s salary to $1 million per year.
    2. Pass a law stating that congressional business can only be conducted in person in Washington, D.C.
    3. Outlaw executive orders.
    4. Pass a law that any congressperson or senator found within Washington D.C. during their terms of office will be shot on sight.

    It’s a lot to pay a congress critter, but we would save a lot of money on staff salaries and expenses, while preventing these jackdaws from doing any more damage.

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