LOL- A Spokane City Leader Cries Over Vandalized Pride Mural – IOTW Report

LOL- A Spokane City Leader Cries Over Vandalized Pride Mural

“All this for a mural?” -Mike Obama

17 Comments on LOL- A Spokane City Leader Cries Over Vandalized Pride Mural

  1. I am a Spokane native; I hate the damn pride sidewalks, they make a mockery of our good city, and this guy is a jackass. I’m not sure who he is but he’s a big friggin crybaby. I don’t care what homosexuals do in private but when they expect me to bow down to their blatant faggotry I will not comply. I try to avoid that area where that pride flag is in the downtown area on the street in front of Riverfront Park.

  2. Well he’s a stereotype of a fag at least. Certainly no bull queer there. I would imagine he wears depends… just in case, you know, that anal sphincter has a lotta miles on it.

    Time to treat the light in the loafers crowd as equals, stop candy coating the candy asses, pride goeth before a fall so drop the pervert pride altogether how about. You have to keep on and on and on about yourselves and how you get your sexual kick. Really going on too much, clearly you’re hiding your shame in your perversion behind this wall of phony lamentations. Please go back into the closet where you belong and start acting like human beings for Pete’s sake.

  3. I’m guessing that the city of Spokane is the reason why eastern WA state counties haven’t been invited to join the New Idaho statehood movement. It would be the biggest city and leans/is left. No need for that nonsense within a new conservative state.

    The Seattle police chief resigned today and he cried at the podium. Must be something in the water…rain here. 🤷‍♀️

  4. The globohomo cult is a religion. It’s taken over entire denominations of what used to be protestant church sects like Methodist, Episcopalian, etc., all globohomo now. And since they are are a religion, they’ve got no goddamn business putting their rainbow faggot flag symbol on the public roads just because they’re a new religion. If it’s okay to burn a Bible or a US flag, then it’s okay to do a burnout on the globohomo flag. It’s as simple as that.

  5. I don’t think it is so much of anyone hating LGB… whatever, it is more that people are sick and tired of their agenda being shoved down everyone else’s throat. They don’t need a whole month to show “pride”. Just do your thing quietly and leave everyone else alone. They have gone too far and alientated most people.


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