Lori Lightfoot loses bid for re-election as Chicago mayor – IOTW Report

Lori Lightfoot loses bid for re-election as Chicago mayor

BPR: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot lost her bid for re-election Tuesday, sending leading challenger Paul Vallas and second-place candidate Brandon Johnson to an April 4 runoff contest, The Associated Press reported.

Fellow candidates criticized Lightfoot in light of Chicago’s rampant crime problem, with polled likely voters citing crime and public safety as the mayoral election’s foremost issue after the city recorded more major crime complaints in 2022 than during 2019, the year she took office, according to Chicago Police Department (CPD) data. Vallas, who previously served as CEO Chicago Public schools and later the Philadelphia School District, won the Chicago Fraternal of Police’s endorsementpledging to fire CPD Superintendent David Brown and grow the department’s sworn officer staff back to the level it reached when Vallas was Chicago’s city budget director in the mid-1990s.

11 Comments on Lori Lightfoot loses bid for re-election as Chicago mayor

  1. The first thing out of her ugly fat race-baiting mouth was that she lost by a landslide due to racism and gender.

    It had nothing to do with one eye fishing, and the other eye looking for bait…..

  2. Was thinking our country was lost forever, guess it deserves another chance
    There may be hope if Illinoisan’s can shitcan JB, Nahh… that won’t happen.

  3. Does this mean people are starting to wake up and realize what’s really happening around them??? She(?) was an extreme example of leftist insanity but I’m cautiously optimistic here.

  4. And that is why I respect America.
    She only Further Fucked up a city that was already in trouble and got fired. At least the voters are trying to find a different Democrap.

    Turdeau is on Term #3 with a record that HE fucked up WAY more.
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