Lowest Possible Audience Approval for Netflix’s “Queen Cleopatra” – IOTW Report

Lowest Possible Audience Approval for Netflix’s “Queen Cleopatra”


While I had heard about the controversy surrounding Netflix’s “docudrama” Queen Cleopatra, I hadn’t been tracking it much since it was actually released a few days ago. It’s #6 in Netflix’s Top 10 list, and I don’t think I’ve seen it go all that much higher than that.

However, the show has done something I didn’t think was even possible. It has not just the lowest audience score in Netflix history, it has essentially the lowest audience score possible on Rotten Tomatoes, a 1%. Not a 10%, a 1%. (Update: It just ticked up to 2%. Still an unprecedented low). More

26 Comments on Lowest Possible Audience Approval for Netflix’s “Queen Cleopatra”

  1. Cleopatra is first and foremost just Cleopatra. There are no photos. Just renderings, pottery, carvings and such…….The second Cleopatra is Elizabeth Taylor. It should end there….

  2. Acrylic nails and that head wagging, hand gesturing, “Whatcoo mean you ain’t got no motherfukking…”

    It is all tiresome. Wakanda Cleopatra had wings. They clould, like, you know, like, fly, and shit. Den duh big bad honkey dun stolt dere wangs, and sheeit, yo!

  3. I would watch Peter Dinklage play Mao in a movie. That seems like a empowering blockbuster of a movie idea.

    Mao or that Japanese flying turtle thing…

    Gamera – Dr. Tar

  4. Guess Hollyweird isn’t aware that Cleopatra wasn’t Egyptian?
    The Ptolemaic Dynasty was Greek and the Nubians (Ethiopians; negroes) had been run out of Egypt for over a century.

    Ignorance and Arrogance are a dangerous combination – ask Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.
    But, yeah, Peter Dinklage as that Japanese flying turtle thing would be awesome.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Should have released the fictitious Black version of Cleopatra on the fictitious National Holiday of Juneteenth.
    It could have been the head-liner in the false, marxist holiday.
    Was this the result of the Obama’s influence at NetFlix? If so, Failure is understood.

  6. I just don’t understand blacks obsession with claiming Cleopatra for themselves. I’ve heard this discussion for a good three decades. Fuck all, they can have her…geez.

  7. How’s bout a mixed race (there are almost no blacks in America, let alone Hollyperv) Katherine the great? Better yet put up a colored Hitler… or Eva Braun.

  8. Queen Nefertiti was good looking. Cleopatra was probably not, with a prominent schnozz as depicted on a coin. Caeser and Mark Anthony fell for her.

    No accounting for taste, though. My wife accepted me, so there’s that.

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