Macron invites Americans to flee to France after Trump chooses to exit Paris agreement – IOTW Report

Macron invites Americans to flee to France after Trump chooses to exit Paris agreement

Mon Dieu, YES! Who wouldn’t love to hang out in a country that gets terrorized every other week and the only thing its leader can say is, *shrug* “Get used to it!,”  because he believes climate change is a bigger problem?

Shut your croissant hole, Frenchy.

WaEx: French President Emmanuel Macron offered Americans a “second homeland” in France to help “make our planet great again,” a clear jab against President Trump after he announced that his administration will reject the Paris climate agreement.

In a short video posted online Thursday, Macron said that while he respects Trump’s decision, it was a “mistake” for the U.S. to exit the international accord.

“Tonight, I wish to tell the United States: France believes in you. The world believes in you. I know that you are a great nation,” Macron said.

He called on certain types, like scientists and “responsible citizens” who were disappointed by Trump’s announcement, to come to France.  MORE


37 Comments on Macron invites Americans to flee to France after Trump chooses to exit Paris agreement

  1. To any climate concerned citizens, I’ll help you pack, give you a ride to the airport.

    I’ll have the forms required to renounce your US citizenship at the ready as a special favor.

  2. MJA and Bigfurhat, I absolutely love the way you folks title and lead in to you stories. I have tears in my eyes from this one and had to rush downstairs to read it to my wife, who also laughed hard at it. Thanks for the informative chuckles.

    *snort!* *cough*

    oh … that’d be a shame … jus a shame …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Just remember as you leave to send any extra carbon offsets (or AMERICAN DOLLARS) to my paypal account — no amount will be considered too trivial to spend on my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

    May even send ya a thank you note.

  5. I’m getting a kick out of the nearly universal screeching that DJT is “no longer leader of the free world.”

    It sure looks to me like a lot of developed countries that signed on to the Paris “Let’s Take More Money from Americans” Accord are full of people who will want their pols to follow DJT. So it’s quite the opposite: he’s now even more so “leader of the free world.”

  6. That little Macaroon is so stupid he may have just taken a big bite out of American tourism in France.
    My response would be a boycott on any French products and tourism.
    We can only hope they all spent the money that isn’t coming.

  7. maracon and merkel are just mad because DJT closed the American public’s ATM.
    How come every deal with Europeans cost America more than anyone else?
    America lost untold thousands of lives either defending or fighting you bastards. Next time your invaded your on your own.

  8. We were never legally a part of this Treaty.

    Only the Senate can approve a Treaty. The Senate never did. Never even considered it, because the Dems knew it could not survive any scrutiny.
    Obama “signed” it, but that’s meaningless and illegal and non binding. Presidents cannot approve a Treaty. The USA is not a Kingdom.

    Mewling idiots. This “Treaty” is finished.
    Trump is Da Man. This saves the USA $100 Billion a year, every year, forever.


  9. Those who are pro climate change are also pro tax “a fair share.”
    The most common bracket, $37,650 to $91,150 in the US (individual) taxed at 25%.

    Comparably, €26,819 – €71,898 in France is taxed at 30%, with history showing one-time levy’s on the rich topping 100%.

    Not to mention all the carbon offset taxes already implemented in France from driving your car to disposing of trash to wiping your own ass.

    Now that’s FAIR SHARE. Or not, you can take protests there and ask for tax hikes. Pick up and GO!

  10. Geezuz, and this guy was supposed to be center-right (slightly) in his politics. I’ll bet someone has a lot of dirt on this guy and he’s going to be a puppet for his term With luck they’ll be more terroists attacks by both immigrant and home grown Muslims and a lot of blowback on the lefties and people like Soros causing shift in the political balance to the right.

  11. Yes I will feel safe in a caliphate country full of eunuchs. Did you know the frogs gave up on producing the gayest of gay infantry rifles and now purchase them from the Germans?

    Cucked beyond understanding, Maricon Oedipus.

  12. France is likely to be a Muslim nation in a generation or less, and Charles Martel is rolling in his grave. Europe will have bigger problems than climate change in the not-so-distant future.

  13. The French have an astonishingly generous Welfare system.
    Even more lucrative than California’s.

    BLM and Antifa could move out of Step-Granma’s backroom rollaway bed.

    And I bet those Harlequin-reading Hilary Pink Pussyhats would love a free government flat.

  14. Well, I stopped eating even American Fries and no woman is wanting to French kiss me any more anyway, so… Easy boycott for me?


    “Guess they’re looking for cheap indentured servants.
    …or maybe some people that won’t drop rifles…”

    Pretty sure the demographic that would move there over this aren’t the rifle carrying kind anyway. Gnome sayin’?


    GoFundMe would break records to raise money for transferring our cheese eating surrender monkeys to their motherland.

    This could work. Imagine a USA without libtards. An immediate leap forward in making America great again. Like amputating a gangrenous foot that’s killing you. You’re better off without it.

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