Maine: Booby Trap Kills Man In His Own Home On Thanksgiving Night – IOTW Report

Maine: Booby Trap Kills Man In His Own Home On Thanksgiving Night

Breaking911: Van Buren, Maine — During the early evening of Thursday, November 28, 2019, the Van Buren Police Department was dispatched to a residence on St. Francis Avenue answering to a 911 call from a male reporting that he had been shot.

Officer Chandler Madore and the Van Buren Ambulance Service arrived on scene, assisted by the US Border Patrol, and provided emergency medical assistance to the injured man who was identified as the home owner, Ronald Cyr, 65. Cyr succumbed to the injuries he sustained from the gunshot.
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14 Comments on Maine: Booby Trap Kills Man In His Own Home On Thanksgiving Night

  1. Lethal booby traps are illegal here in Texas. Probably there too. I’ve felt like rigging a few up over the years due to thieves. I’m sure I’d be dead already if I had. Or serve prison time. “Just wanted to shock the sh*t out of him, officer. Didn’t think it would electrocute him and fry his brain like that. (shrug)”

    I rigged up the kitchen sprayer with a rubber band one April fools day.

    Yeah. It was me that got sprayed that morning. Wasn’t the brightest idea I’ve had considering I was the only morning person in the house.

  2. First rule of booby traps:

    Don’t be the booby.

    There was actually a Supreme Court case about this. A man rigged a shotgun to a door on an abandoned house he owned.

    You must fear for your life, not your property.

    Katko v. Briney

    Four years after the case was decided, Edward Briney was asked if he would change anything about the situation. Briney replied, “There’s one thing I’d do different, though: I’d have aimed that gun a few feet higher.”

  3. What about an attack/guard dog?

    When I was younger, we had a beautiful beagle/dachshund mix. She was such a good doggie. One day, I thought I’d test her reaction to a stranger trying to break into the house. I put her on the enclosed front porch and put on layers of clothes, gloves and a hat/bandana to disguise myself.

    I sneaked around the corner of the house and up to the screen door. She scared the crap out of me! I thought she was going to come through the screen door and kill me. I ran back around the house, took off my disguise and walked back around the corner to the door. She jumped up to the door with her tail wagging and her tongue hanging out.

    She got lots of treats that day.

  4. An employee where I worked brought his young son along one day. The kid was carrying a big rubber snake. I talked him into putting the rubber snake in a drawer, positive that a friend of mine would open the drawer.
    Late in the afternoon I totally forgot about the snake and opened the drawer myself. I was told I moved about 10 feet backward in a nano second. What a fool I was, I have a serious fear of snakes!


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