Malkin: 2020…the year ‘expert’ credibility died – IOTW Report

Malkin: 2020…the year ‘expert’ credibility died


If there were ever a time to “question authority,” as the old counterculture slogan of the 1960s urged, the authoritarian age of COVID-19 is that time. 2020 will go down in American history as the year that public health “experts” got everything wrong.

It’s not just that their judgment was faulty. It’s that time and again, the professional elites deceived the citizenry, derided other academics and medical professionals who challenged them and de-platformed outspoken dissidents who refused to obey them. These pathological liars are the true public health threat.

Exhibit A: Anthony Fauci.

The incurably smug director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases led the “Great Mask Hoax” in March 2020 when he told CBS News, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.” He very explicitly characterized mask-wearing as a performative gesture that “might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is.”

Months later, fact-doctorer Fauci performed a whiplash-inducing 180-degree turnaround and became the planet’s No. 1 mask cheerleader. He rationalized that he needed to mislead the nation about the efficacy of masks in order “to save the masks for the people who really needed them because it was felt that there was a shortage of masks.”

I don’t know about you, but in my house, we call this sick behavior “covering your behind.” more

17 Comments on Malkin: 2020…the year ‘expert’ credibility died

  1. Actually, I consider it the year ALL credibility died.

    There is only deception left to rule the game now.
    The only thing I find still credible is what I see happening in the real world, and that is becoming questionable too.

  2. Just because you call yourself a expert 🤔 doesn’t make it so.
    Matter of fact you experts should be avoided at all costs. There are numerous case studies, where these jackass’s are proven wrong and never called out on it.

  3. Rod Phillips (Conservative) Ontario’s Financial Expert secretly Left Canada, went to the tropics for vacation on Dec 8th just before a known full lock down.

    He brought heavy sweaters & Christmas clothes & Toasted everyone with eggnog in front of a Fake background pretending to be “in it with the rest of Ontarians” while the rest of us were told to stay home & Do Not visit family or Travel. Obviously, also never missed a paycheck, unlike most of the world.

    He was canned 2 days ago, so what.

    Another Expert.

  4. OK I AM OLD!
    It died for me aqout 56 yeras ago when Time said “the new Ice age would extend the Polar Cap; to Frisco by 2000.”!

    It is cold in Frisco in July but has always been so (ask sSm!); no Ice 20 yers ago! No ice today.

    “Experts” have been political whores for decades!

    But most of what she says is true!


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