Man Cleared of Groping 15 Year-old at Trump Rally – IOTW Report

Man Cleared of Groping 15 Year-old at Trump Rally

A tape was released that clearly shows the girl was lying about being groped. She says in the video “you touched my breasts.” She curses at the guy and the people around her and finally sucker punches the guy. A person in the crowd pepper sprays her.

You can see in the video that the guy was talking with his hands, and some rolled up papers made contact with the girl. That ain’t groping.

You know who needs a beating and a face full of pepper spray? It’s this smirking moron who shouts at the girl “you goddamn communist nigger lover, get out of here.”

It’s hard to believe that these people still exist.

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To the girl’s credit, and I didn’t see this until now, when she’s walking away with a face full of pepper spray she says, in resigned fashion, “I deserved that.”

10 Comments on Man Cleared of Groping 15 Year-old at Trump Rally

  1. At least she admitted she deserved it.

    If you’re lucky hon, you’ll get Bernie as president and you’ll really feel the burn……..along with everyone else.

    Just wait until that first paycheck gets taxed all away.

    But hey, free Marxism…………… right?

  2. Did the Hillary campaign or George Soros pay her? In every city where Trump has a rally, Craigslist carries ads for these idiots to agitate paying $15 per hour for 4 hours.

    The checks appear to come from a Hillary PAC.

    Press mum.

  3. “Did the Hillary campaign or George Soros pay her? In every city where Trump has a rally, Craigslist carries ads for these idiots to agitate paying $15 per hour for 4 hours.
    The checks appear to come from a Hillary PAC.
    Press mum.”

    Pageturner – No shit? Here’s what we oughtta do. If we’re going to a Trump or Cruz rally anyway, all of us should get these Craigs List jobs to bleed dry the Leftist money so it can’t be spent elsewhere against us. Fuck the Left and the VW Microbus they rode in on.

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