March 29th, National Smoke and Mirrors Day – IOTW Report

March 29th, National Smoke and Mirrors Day

National Today

Though the origin of National Smoke and Mirrors Day, March 29, is unknown, it most likely is intended both to promote appreciation of the art and skill of magicians who specialize in illusions and to remind us all to be wary of deceptive practices in daily life. Today, “smoke and mirrors” usually means that we’re being hoodwinked into believing something is true or that it is functional when it really isn’t. It’s a reminder that unlike Dorothy, we shouldn’t wait until the end to pull back the curtain to see if what we thought is real is actually masterful fakery.  More

According to the same source, it’s also “National Mom and Pop Business Owner’s Day,” which seem a much more legitimate activity to recognize. Here

11 Comments on March 29th, National Smoke and Mirrors Day

  1. speaking of smoke and mirrors and ducking and weaving, the SD house sent the Girls Sports bill back to Noem. Now she either signs it as originally written or vetoes it.

  2. Sorry Doc. Didnt mean to hijack thread. Just excited about that bill.

    BTW, I have a mom and pop food truck and shop that i started in 1999 that has served us well.

  3. Hey Charlie, Noem dove head first into a wood chipper on this issue. She can still (maybe) rehabilitate her image and her chances for future office but you have to wonder how she got this so wrong. She is about as popular is Andrew Cuomo right now.


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