Marco Rubio calls Jeb Bush a ‘great governor’ after tense debate – IOTW Report

Marco Rubio calls Jeb Bush a ‘great governor’ after tense debate

NYP- WASHINGTON – Fresh off a strong debate performance where he schooled one-time mentor Jeb Bush in a tense exchange, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio took the high road Thursday and called Bush a “great governor.”

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“My campaign is not going to change. I don’t believe that the way I’m going to win is by going after him or anybody else. As I said last night, I guess someone’s convinced him otherwise,” Rubio told CNN.  more

8 Comments on Marco Rubio calls Jeb Bush a ‘great governor’ after tense debate

  1. To be fair (ya I know, who gives a shit about being fair at this point) Bush really did govern as a Conservative during his time as governor. But that was almost 10 years ago. 10 years of fawning donors and D.C. culture inexorably moving him Left. Just like Rubio. Rubio is just not quite as far along.

  2. Poor Yeb! He really needs Florida and Marco won’t bow out. What an ingrate. Now the boys are going to come by and break both his legs for wasting tens of millions of their money and having nothing to show.

    It pissed me off the other night when Huckabee was defending Trump from the CNBC hit team and declared he was wearing a Trump tie, and before Huckabee was even done attempting to shame them, Yeb interjected a cheap shot at Trump by asking whether the tie was made in Mexico or China.

    Yeb: import ties from China or Mexico is bad, import illegally poor, low skilled workers from either land is good!

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