Mass POISONING – Children Hospitalized! – IOTW Report

Mass POISONING – Children Hospitalized!


Amysterious gas leak near a kid’s playground in southwest Germany, has left six children in the hospital.

Emergency services were called to the park in Neumarkt, Mannheim, at 11 a.m. local time on Friday morning after several children were coughing and experiencing eye irritation after going down a slide in the playground, local news radio station FHH reported.

An irritant toxic gas broke out in the playground, only a few meters away from the Neckar School, FHH reported.

Two classes from the school started to complain of feeling ill after playing on the playground. The report said six children were rushed to the hospital, and others are thought to have been affected.

The police are investigating the incident on suspicion of bodily harm, the radio station reported.


7 Comments on Mass POISONING – Children Hospitalized!

  1. Similar was seen several weeks ago when a US school served children floor sealant instead of milk, citing “a mistake”. If not kylling kids via abortions and vaxx-boosters, poisons are served to them instead by democrats and accomplices. ya a “mistake”. sure.

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