Matt Gaetz’s Plan to Derail Jack Smith – IOTW Report

Matt Gaetz’s Plan to Derail Jack Smith


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Wednesday announced he would introduce legislation to defund Special Counsel Jack Smith, who may be seeking yet another indictment of former President Donald Trump in the midst of a presidential election.

BREAKING: I will be introducing legislation to DEFUND Jack Smith’s witch hunt against President Trump.

They are attacking our democracy and engaging in election interference right now. More

9 Comments on Matt Gaetz’s Plan to Derail Jack Smith

  1. Should have thought of this during the RINO “leadership” of McCarthy getting the Debt Ceiling increased.
    What? You thought you could trust McCarthy to keep his promises and act like a Principled Republican!
    Ryan and Boehner are laughing their collective asses off, there are few principled Republicans left in the House or Senate.


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