Mattis Treated to Troops Drinking Snake Blood and Walking on Fire in Indonesia – IOTW Report

Mattis Treated to Troops Drinking Snake Blood and Walking on Fire in Indonesia

What fun!

Breitbart: U.S. Secretary of Defense Gen. James Mattis watched members of the Indonesian military showing off a variety of rare skills during his three-day visit to the nation in eastern Asia this week.

In a series of demonstrations at the headquarters of Indonesia’s armed forces, troops reportedly drank snake blood, walked on fire, smashed bricks with their heads, and rolled their bodies in broken glass.

Specific routines included blindfolded soldiers slicing a cucumber in another soldier’s mouth and shooting a balloon in-between another soldiers legs. According to Reuters, one of the shots missed, but nobody was injured.

The highlight of the event involved the use of live snakes, including a king cobra. Soldiers cut off the snakes’ heads and fed snake blood to each other.

“The snakes! Did you see them tire them out and then grab them?” Mattis later told reporters. “The way they were whipping them around—a snake gets tired very quickly.”

“You could imagine how much training went into each individual there, that they were able to do that,” he added. “When you watch a force do that, many small things, perfectly, you can imagine that they can also put the bigger things together.”  —go see! more

13 Comments on Mattis Treated to Troops Drinking Snake Blood and Walking on Fire in Indonesia

  1. There is a pretty entertaining documentary series about the bizarreness of Indonesia called “Myth, Magic and Monsters”. You can watch on youtube or Amazon for free. Pretty entertaining and interesting.

  2. After watching the show, Mattis then said, “Watch this.” He approached the snakes, who slit their own throats and poured their blood into a glass for him. He approached the fire pit, which promptly went cold as he walked across, then moved to the broken glass that melded back into whiskey bottles completely full of Crown Royal upon his approach.

  3. I had to laugh at Mattis’s reaction, so very like him.

    In case you got distracted, though, by this story, here is a transcript of the press gaggle who accompanied Mattis to Indonesia. Pretty interesting. I don’t think they asked Mattis what his plans were to work with Indonesian counterparts to eradicate the foothold extreme islam has in that country and how they operate throughout the western world from within Indonesia.

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