Maxine Waters Sucks Up to SBF For a Reason – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Sucks Up to SBF For a Reason

Red State

The always-awful Maxine Waters took to Twitter today to reach out to crypto fraud and Democrat megadonor Sam Bankman-Fried, who’s not rotting in jail for some reason, but is instead embarking on a media tour. A tour that is notable for SBF’s goofy appearance (who trusted this guy?!), gibberish non-answers, and refusal to take responsibility for swindling gullible investors (again, who trusted this guy?!) out of billions of dollars.

In a tweet that can best be described as “doting mom dishes out wistful dose of tough love to wayward scamp,” Waters praises SBF for being “candid” in his media blitz, while also kindly requesting the pleasure of his company at a hearing being held by the House Financial Services Committee, which she chairs. More

8 Comments on Maxine Waters Sucks Up to SBF For a Reason

  1. This woman is as dumb and corrupt as she is ugly. I’m sure this will be a really in-depth hearing trying to get to the bottom of nothing

    I’d like to know how much Maxi took from him and what she’ll do to shield the rest of her Democrats and the Republicans who took money from him

  2. The dems are so cocky and confident, they don’t even try to hide their corruption. Of course, they’ve gotten away with it for so long, why should they. I hope I live long enough to see her pay for her crimes.

  3. Bankman-Fried isn’t in jail for the same reason that the Biden Cabal, Chris Wray, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Mittens, Schitt, Nadler, Pelosi, Clapper, Comey, Koskinen, Lerner, Brennan, and Merrick Garland aren’t in jail – they’re major functionaries of the corruption destroying America and are protected by the traitorous maggots who serve Satan (Baal, Mammon, Azathoth … whatever).

    If we ever want to see and end to the institutionalized Treason and Corruption, we (the People of the United States) will have to END IT – Treason and Corruption never reformed themselves.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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