Mayor of Charlottesville Declares Her City To Be “Beautiful-Ugly” Then Gets Gross About It – IOTW Report

Mayor of Charlottesville Declares Her City To Be “Beautiful-Ugly” Then Gets Gross About It

Red State

At this point, we’ve seen a lot of strange things from politicians.

Not too many things shock us anymore given the history of weird, ugly, evil and just flat out crazy kind of things we’ve seen.

But we have say that the Mayor of Charlottesville [Nikuyah Walker] today found a new and unique way to shock us today for sure. Now I don’t know how tough it is to be the Mayor of Charlottesville, but I’m thinking that either it’s far tougher than I ever imagined or there’s a significant problem with her in some way.

Here’s where I post the warning if you don’t want to read the pornographic post she made on Facebook and then posted on Twitter. But if you have a good sturdy constitution and want to forge ahead, it’s certainly unique. But thinking this isn’t going to go over well with the good people of that town. More

20 Comments on Mayor of Charlottesville Declares Her City To Be “Beautiful-Ugly” Then Gets Gross About It

  1. I live nearly equidistant between Charlottesville and DC. And much nearer to Richmond. All have Democrat mayors and all are now shitholes as a consequence.

    I have no plans to visit any of them.

    They are all smoking holes on the map as far as I concerned. At one time they were interesting. No more.

  2. Nikuyah Walker
    MARCH 25, 2021 AT 6:39 PM
    “I think that I shall never see,
    A poem lovely as a giant, throbbing, cock”

    …there’s a “The woods are lovely, dark, and deep” joke in there somewhere too, but I don’t want to tease it out because I’m afraid it will squirt something on me…

  3. The only thing that makes sense is the dems are hell-bent on wearing us down to their level so we accept their tumultuous, ridiculous, insane and absolutely unacceptable bullshit.

  4. Guess what all you jealous hater potaters? “Beautiful ugly” is exactly how my Petey B describes my unbleached elastic starfish!

  5. Just another example of the new normal. We used to institutionalize people that now become mayors. They don’t even truly get voted into office because voting has become a process orchestrated for a specific outcome.

    In the future she could be POTUS, if that’s what the global elite want. There’s little difference between her and Biden or Harris.


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