Mayor Pete: Ban Voter ID Laws – IOTW Report

Mayor Pete: Ban Voter ID Laws


Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg (D) on Tuesday called for voter ID laws to be banned as part of his plan to “safeguard democracy” for black Americans.

In an op-ed for the Charleston Chronicle, Buttigieg called for a “21st Century Voting Rights Act” becuse “cynicism” about the political “is nowhere more warranted than in the Black community, where systematic efforts are taking away the right to vote.”

“This means banning practices like voter ID laws and ensuring that potentially discriminatory changes to voting laws first be reviewed by the Department of Justice,” Buttigieg wrote. “We are not a true democracy if certain Americans are restricted from voting because one party has decided they would be better off if fewer people vote.”

Buttigieg wrote his op-ed ahead of next week’s BET Black Economic Alliance Forum and called for a “Douglas Plan for Black America” that also includes “reducing sentencing disparities,” bridging the wealth gap between black and white Americans, and encouraging “greater economic security within the Black community.”

“A week from now, our nation will celebrate Juneteenth. It marks the day when enslaved Black people in Texas learned–almost two years after the fact–that the Emancipation Proclamation had rendered them free people. It is a fundamentally American occasion–a celebration of freedom, but also an acknowledgement of freedom delayed. As we observe this day, we must be honest that the hopes stirred almost 160 years ago have still not been fully realized,” Buttigieg said. “Replacing racist policies with neutral ones will not be enough to deliver equality. We must actively work to reverse these harms, which is why I propose that we invest in equity with a plan as bold as the Marshall Plan that rebuilt Europe after World War II. Let’s call it the Douglass Plan for Black America, in honor of Frederick Douglass, who called America to better live up to its promise. Such a plan could help heal the deep wounds of American’s original sin and supercharge economic growth for every American.”

Buttigieg argued that “Black Americans are not yet fully free when Black unemployment is still almost twice the national average, when the average Black eighth grader reads at a level far below their white peers, and when Black mothers are 3-4 times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white women.” more here

12 Comments on Mayor Pete: Ban Voter ID Laws

  1. My Little Petey say’s:

    “Black folk have problems learning and are far too ignorant to obtain free IDs. We need to coddle the dummies to ensure their feeble minds get to the polls where they will no doubt vote democrat so we can keep the Plantation properly tilled.”

  2. The democrats have always exploited the multitudes of ignorant and poor across the country. They provide a bountiful source of votes and they’re easily satisfied by the crumbs tossed that keeps them coming back for more.

  3. Key to keeping the black vote harnessed is understanding that people instinctively seek instant gratification and that change is an uncomfortable proposition with the risk of uncertainty.
    “We’ll give them just enough to keep them docile and coming back for more.”

  4. Cloaking their insidious voter fraud schemes in “racism” is no different that calling anti-abortion “racist”. Using “racism” as a substitute for a cogent argument is simply more mindless prattle from Planet Vacuous. When yer only tool is “racism” everyone looks like a racist, so remember, when they call you “racist”, they’re outta gas… you’ve won!

  5. Hey mayor pete if we ban voter ID’S then we HAVE to ban Identification to exercise ANY OTHER Constitutional right Such as Buying a gun. I have to show two IDS to buy a gun. If MEXICO and INDIA can have voter ID laws why can’t we. India has over 1 Billion people. Here is a way to institute Voter ID laws. The ONLY Way to register to vote in a federal election is to go to a Federal voter registration office you register to vote every two years (for every federal election) When you register to vote the office then issues you an ID card. If you vote Absentee a copy of the ID will be sent with the ballot. The voter will be issued a copy of the id that will be sent in with any federal ballot. If the picture is copied there are ways to copy proof paper work. No second picture the ballot would not count. For local and state elections Issue IDS as well but the federal ID would NOT be valid for local and state elections. As far as illegal aliens voting give them and international drivers license NOT a state Drivers license. We got them in Germany to drive there. The big advantage of these are they and NOT an ID card as they do NOT have a picture. That should cut down on voter fraud. If a state allows Illegal aliens to vote in a federal election Then that election would be voided and that state would NOT have representation for the next two years the next election would be held 2 years later.

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