Merry Christmas from Mr. Pinko – IOTW Report

Merry Christmas from Mr. Pinko

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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5 Comments on Merry Christmas from Mr. Pinko

  1. Guitarist with a “Scull and Cross Bones” Tee shirt, Class act.
    When I got out of the Army in 1966, I went to church in Hewitt, New Jersey. There were guys and gals on the Altar with guitars, singing peace songs. I left. I now go to church only for weddings and funerals. But I have MY faith.. No apologies.

  2. Merry Christmas to you Mr. Pinko.

    My wife and I are on call this week so we opened our presents at

    We always do it this way.

    She said it’s Christmas let’s open presents. Our first Christmas together.

    She will head back to the hospital about 3am.

    I’ll see her maybe in two days. Either I will be asleep or at work.

  3. Lovely tune that I’ve always liked. Definitely needs different lyrics, because Lake’s are not particularly faith or humanity friendly, but thanks anyway, Mr Pinko

    Had the pleasure of seeing Jethro Tull in Lowell MA about five years ago. Florian Ophale is a gifted guitarist.

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