Mexico bows to President Trump on ‘containment’ of illegal aliens – IOTW Report

Mexico bows to President Trump on ‘containment’ of illegal aliens

American Thinker: Mexico bowed to President Trump’s border security demands by agreeing to set up a Central American illegal alien “containment” belt 2,200 miles south of San Diego.

Mexico’s socialist president, Andrés Manuel López-Obrador, known as “AMLO,” trumpeted after his huge July victory that he sympathized with migrants suffering from “hunger and poverty.”  He promised to slash funds dedicated to border control and claimed that he would stand up to any of President Trump’s bullying tactics.

A recent Rasmussen Reports national poll revealed that a survey high of 35 percent of “Likely U.S. Voters” believe immigration to be the most urgent issue for Congress to address.  But AMLO must have been confident that President Trump’s hands were tied by the “Russiagate” investigation.  He probably assumed that Democrats would either squeeze Trump out of office or continue to emasculate his ability to take major retaliatory actions.

But after Trump was exonerated by the special counsel, AMLO quickly dispatched his interior secretary, Olga Sánchez-Cordero, to meet with U.S. secretary of homeland security Kirstjen Nielsen in Miami on March 27.

Secretary Sánchez offered a Mexican Federal Police and military “containment” belt across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the narrowest part of the country and very close to the southern border with Guatemala.  When asked about the breakthrough with Mexico, Secretary Nielsen said: “It’s going to be a big change.”  more here


10 Comments on Mexico bows to President Trump on ‘containment’ of illegal aliens

  1. ‘AMLO must have heard the Bank America was going to close his account.’
    Nods, so right, they do this every second to true verified American taxpayers.
    Yet we have to put with up for months with this illegal scum.

  2. Did anyone really believe Trump wasn’t going to be president for the full 4 years? You’d have to be completely delusional to think so, at absolute worst he would have been tied up in the courts until the end of his term.
    Says something about those who oppose him – and particularly politicians who are making plans accordingly.

  3. Trump’s got an ace up his sleeve. He renegotiated NAFTA and helped the Mexies out big time. He also controls the purse string for aid to their country and the use of DEA agents to [sort of] control the drug cartels that would kill every Mexican politician that gets in their way. They also know that when this wall is built all these ‘caravans’ will be parked in Mexico and that’s why he’s trying to stop them at Mexico’s southern border.

  4. Trump is on the tear.

    The old saying ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,’ applies QUADRULPLE to Donald Trump.

    There is no better friend than The Donald – and no worse enemy.

    LOVE this man.

  5. President Trump has been unleashed from the Deep State,everyone that has crossed him had better watch out.
    They tried to take him out and failed,everyone who was involved is going to have there day in court.
    Starting with John Brennan.
    The man will take no prisoners.
    Why do you think they have been quite? Do you really think they have any thing left.
    If you do I want to hear what it is.
    They all have been shut down. For now. They will make something up soon,we have to shut them down as soon as they do.
    All they have is Holder saying that America was never great.
    Where is the great obama,oh yea he was meeting with the new commies telling them how great they are and their plans cost too much and it is to soon to go full retard.
    They lost and now we have to bury them as deep as we can until they come back.


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