Michael Moore’s New Film, The “Artistic” Version of Your Boring Brother-in-Law’s Political Rants, Will Be Titled… – IOTW Report

Michael Moore’s New Film, The “Artistic” Version of Your Boring Brother-in-Law’s Political Rants, Will Be Titled…

The project went untitled for awhile, left as a cliffhanger, as if we were all pins and needles in anticipation.

It will be called Fahrenheit 11/9.

Get it?

I didn’t.

It’s the day after the election when Trump won. Talk about a stupid stretch.


About a month ago, filmmaker Michael Moore teased that he was working on a “secret project” and name-checked Donald Trump and Roseanne Barr. Tonight on CBS’ The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the Oscar winner unveiled the title of his movie and offered a few details.

“I know Roseanne. I know Trump. And they are about to rue the day they ever knew me.”


I’m sure just about everyone Moore knows rues the day they met him. Especially if he stepped on their foot.

ht/ PHenry

20 Comments on Michael Moore’s New Film, The “Artistic” Version of Your Boring Brother-in-Law’s Political Rants, Will Be Titled…

  1. wait, i thought michel moore is the new chief of police for the LAPD.

    Rue or Roux?
    “You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means”

    I think he meant Roux, he’s hungry, he’s always hungry.

  2. The second movie he made that went anywhere was 9/11, so he thinks he can make some mileage out of it.

    And rue is something he’ll do if he gets on Trump’s wrong side.

  3. Here’s another example of bias in the media.
    Moore will be on a dozen shows, pushing his Leftist movie.
    Dinesh D’Souza won’t be invited to any, except maybe on Fox News. Maybe.

  4. He’ll also be featured on the cover of next month’s issue of Self Magazine.

    Showcased along with this month’s Flabuella under a new column entitled,
    “Amputees at 60.”

  5. That Gat Bastard doesn’t even have a ‘pretty face’.

    I think someone needs to make a movie about him, follow him around as he enjoys his hypocritical, elitist life. Spy cams, drones, think of how that movie would play. Throw in Joy Reid, diCaprio, etc.


  6. @MM — So good to “see” you!

    Michael Moore makes me think of the paunchy 50-something who keeps his high school football letters in a frame. He’s a one trick pony. And what’s with his movie title? I guess it’s hard to attract good writers when you’re doing a D level documentary. Gah! Even the Left’s Documentary Darling is ancient now.

  7. When he finally croaks I sure hope he hasn’t chosen cremation. The smoke plume would raise the co2 levels into hazardous conditions for all who are down wind.

  8. Another unbelievably skewed piece of crap produced by a stinky Cheeto stained beanbag chair with feet. Why anyone thinks his shit is worth watching is beyond me.


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