Michelle Obama’s 2014 Trip to China Cost Taxpayers More Than $360,000 in Air Transportation Expenses Alone – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama’s 2014 Trip to China Cost Taxpayers More Than $360,000 in Air Transportation Expenses Alone

Judicial Watch

— (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained records from the U.S. Department of the Air Force revealing that Michelle Obama’s 2014 trip to China cost American taxpayers $362,523.53 in air travel expenses alone. The First Lady, her daughters, and her mother spent March 19 – 26 in China, in a trip highlighted by extended visits to some of the country’s most popular tourist sites.

michelle obama side eye

Judicial Watch obtained the Air Force records on June 25, 2015, in response to a June 19, 2014, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking the following:

  • Any and all records concerning mission taskings of First Lady Michelle Obama’s March 2014 tip to China;
  • Any and all records concerning transportation costs for Mrs. Obama’s March 2014 trip to China;
  • Any and all passenger manifests for Mrs. Obama’s March 2014 trip to China.

According to the newly released records, the transportation costs for the seven-day trip to China were based on a flight cost of $11,092 per hour for the Obama family, and support personnel in a C-32A presidential aircraft.  The $362,523.53 air travel expense tab for the Obama entourage was more than 225 times what the average American family spends on an entire week-long vacation.

The U.S. Secret Service has not yet responded to the request for attendant costs for personnel, accommodations, meals, rental cars, and related expenses.  MORE


21 Comments on Michelle Obama’s 2014 Trip to China Cost Taxpayers More Than $360,000 in Air Transportation Expenses Alone

  1. What they didn’t find out was that the $11,092/hr included a $1500/hr surcharge for wookie provisions and extra fuel for added weight.

    Then there was the fumigation/sanitation expenses required to rid the stench of feet and wipe up swass accumulated on such a long flight.

  2. According to the Daily Mail link:

    …an entourage of about 70 people is accompanying the guests of honor to China at taxpayer expense.

    which would mean they needed more planes because the C-32A (757 variant) can only hold 45 passengers. I’m sure there’s more obscured costs involved in this Bigfoot safari

  3. Now you really ticked Mooch off he was hoping to spend at least $500,000.00 on air travel (he even ordered the pilot to fly the long way home). Some personal assistants head is going to roll for that inexcusable oversight! He is still hoping to get into the $100 million dollar vacation club before his free ‘black’ travel privledges expire!

  4. Listen UP! you honky muthu-f**kers!! Moochelle can do whutt-evuhh she wants to do when – evuhh she wants to do it. If you don’t like it, then that is tough shiite!! this message brought to you by the Enn double A see Pee; MoveOn.org; and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)….

    What it is! What it was! What it SHALL BE!! Peace! OUT! honky mo-foe!

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