Middle School to Cater to “Queer” Students to Open in Phoenix – IOTW Report

Middle School to Cater to “Queer” Students to Open in Phoenix

Daily Wire

A new Arizona middle school for “queer” children opening this summer will be funded by taxpayers.

The Queer Blended Learning Center, which will launch in downtown Phoenix in August, will be funded by Arizona’s education vouchers.

The school is a project of One•n•ten, an LGBT youth activist nonprofit, which will house the school at its Phoenix headquarters.

Students do not have to identify as LGBT to enroll.

One•n•ten says its mission is “to serve LGBTQ youth and young adults ages 11-24” and “enhance their lives by providing empowering social and service programs that promote self‐expression, self‐acceptance, leadership development, and healthy life choices.” More

18 Comments on Middle School to Cater to “Queer” Students to Open in Phoenix

  1. Vouchers are for K thru 12, or in other words, up to 18 years old. Yet this queer school is using vouchers for “young adults” up to 24 years old? So it’s also a college? Probably so young adults can learn how to diddle underage kids in the “safety” of a school built just for their precious needs.

    This shit doesn’t add up.

  2. School for the Unspeakable, by Manly Wade Wellman, comes to mind.

    Although the story was about vampires, faggots are the modern vampires.

  3. Wow. A reprise of the term Special Ed.

    Watch how quickly these “confused” kids abandon queerness when they’re no longer terminally unique. They’ll all have to come up with their own versions of “Hey! Notice me!” as they swim in a pond of just ordinary.

    Yet another reason to get rid of public schools.

  4. “Yet another reason to get rid of public schools.”

    This isn’t a public school per say. Arizonians can claim the tax money they would send to the public school system and turn it into a “voucher” and give that money to what ever private school they choose to enroll their kids in. Great idea. This school will be lucky if it lasts a year.

  5. Supposedly Phoenix is hotter than it’s ever been. Aren’t they concerned about the friction that results from fag made warming? Killing the planet with every hump.


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