Mike Pence Puts Clueless Tim Kaine in His Place – IOTW Report

Mike Pence Puts Clueless Tim Kaine in His Place

Is Tim Kaine actually characterizing the shooting of this terrorist “gun violence”?

Please say it isn’t so. Please say he really didn’t know the details before tweeting.

Pamela has this—>

Ohio State University Jihad Attacker Praised Al Qaeda Imam and Attacked America on Facebook Minutes Before the Attack

And then there’s this —>

OSU Diversity Officer Apologizes For Terrorist In Facebook Post, Urges Sympathy

The left has lost, is lost, and will continue to lose as long as they continue being mentally deranged and outside of the mainstream of reasonable human thought.

ht/ mel


23 Comments on Mike Pence Puts Clueless Tim Kaine in His Place

  1. every day something new comes out that PROVES that we dodged a bullet by not allowing Hillary Clinton & Tim Kaine to steal the election from America’s citizens.

  2. Well, Timmeh is easily distracted by the Clinton narrative he has followed faithfully for a year. It takes his sharp focus to not speak all the “shit, fuck you, get back to work you pissant, you look dumb as a whale, standing there with your mouth hanging open, get out of my sight, fuck off losers” his goddess throws around in her alcohol infused rages and rants.

  3. AND, btw, now the Goddess is plotting her comeback in 2020. Like she will live that long! She may be in prison, which sort of nullifies her third run for “what is hers by default”……… NOT.

  4. i can’t hold back on calling out kaine as a complete moron, with no class or manners, typical leftist knee-jerk jerk with no deep thinking skills, all mouth, no brain behind the words

    hey timothy, you should act like a sonar and learn to shut the fuck up and listen for returns to your noise

    this fricking idiot was too-close-for-comfort vp to-be, and possible president post-hillary dropping dead

    thank god he has been kicked to the curb as irrelevant, now needs to simply shut the fuck up

  5. Kids complain because tuition is too expensive, Teacher’s Retirement funds are way underfunded, and those dumb shits have a ‘DIVERSITY’ office on staff? Phukkem. They deserve to lose their pensions. If the kids don’t protest this horse shit, they too deserve what they get: Huge tuition hikes for worthless degrees.

  6. Good on ya Mike, but let me help you: It’s an attack by a muslim. Another one. Like nearly every other one. Let’s move beyond a ‘terrorist’, and also let’s get beyond ‘terror.’ These are PC dubya-like weasel words and happy talk designed to not identify muzzies for the murdering cultists they are. None of them have any damned business being in western countries. Not ONE. Let’s deport them all.

  7. It’s not the first ISIS Somali invader attack in Columbus. In February Mohammad Barry hacked up patrons at a Jewish owned deli, the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli. No guns involved except for the police who later killed the mofo. Machete and knife were used.

    Son-of-a-mailman needs to send these Somali filth back to their own shariah sh*t hole. Hey John Boy, there is no assimilation for filthy Moslems

  8. All Somalis and muzzies in the state of Ohio should be on kasich’s property and he should be responsible for their health care, meals, education, child care, everything. If it’s such an awesome deal to import them, I want to see kasich enjoy all of that wealth by himself. These leftist hypocrites import muzzies and dump them on the rest of us and we have to arm up to defend ourselves, while they are safe in their gated communities or with an armed security detail. We need a 180 degree paradigm shift — the era of immigration needs to be OVER. There is no use for a single immigrant to the US today, and there has not been for 50 years. We esp need to deport all muzzies.

  9. Alright ya’ll – a little help here. As I get older, my memory and wit (never been the quickest – but my draw of a concealed .45 is still pretty quick) is beginning to fade. Gimme some Hollywood cheeseweasel look-a-likes with little Timmy Kaine – an appropriate one befitting his leftist, dull-weasel personality as well as his physical appearance. Thank you for your support.

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