Military Ignores Obama’s Idiocy – Charges Bergdahl With Desertion – IOTW Report

Military Ignores Obama’s Idiocy – Charges Bergdahl With Desertion

Bowe Bergdahl faces court-martial and possible life imprisonment

16 Comments on Military Ignores Obama’s Idiocy – Charges Bergdahl With Desertion

  1. A glimmer of balls shown by the Army and their Generals……… Caution: the court martial isn’t over yet. Could be just a dog and pony show for this worthless POS, obama and the Army.

    Nope, don’t trust the ring knocker political appointed brass for one minute.

  2. One more plus for Trump who has been hammering this traitor for months. Trump says he should be shot and take a guess what percentage of his supporters agree?

    Believe me, this connects with conservatives and patriotic independents-to see an obvious deserter traded for 5 high value enemies, a deserter that cost the lives of 6(?) courageous servicemen trying to find him.

    And from Cruz on an issue that clearly defines the pathetic leadership we have now? Not shit. And you know why? Because Cruz knows if he says anything, everyone knows he just reacting to the leader. He’s hemmed in because compared to Trump he’s a beta.

  3. Cruz has spoken on this issue numerous times – try June 14, 2014 and many times since. Against bergdahl, and obama’s traitorous trade of enemy combatants and even put forth legislation that would put a stop on prisoner releases from Guantánamo Bay.

    Some people try to elevate their chosen candidate by tearing down others….when in fact their candidate does very well without a supporter’s misinformed attacks.

    All you do is alienate many who may very well support or lean heavily toward your candidate.

    But, hey, do as you want.
    Personally, I’d prefer you extol your candidate’s qualities that detract from them.
    But, that’s just me.

  4. I hope and pray that there are some officers left in the obama military with both spine and love of country intact. There is hope for this as a recent poll of the military at large showed a 90%+ dislike of the current terrorist infestation we have in our White House. The proof will be seen if obama’s love child is actually convicted and sentenced. While a firing squad made up of epileptic disabled retired soldiers with access to large piles of ammo (just in case we miss a vital organ the first few rounds) would be justice for all who have suffered. And especially for those who will suffer in the future thanks to five terrorist being returned to the battlefield by this nations worst treasonous terrorist. But consolation can be found in thinking about the many happy days and nights young bergdahl will enjoy as a plaything for the most vile denizens of Leavenworth. May his life sentence be longer than he think possible and shorter than the occupancy of a certain terrorist in our White House.

    May God have mercy on his soul, and may those vile denizens be blessed with more strength and stamina than is humanly possible.

    MSG Grumpy

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