Milo Wandered Into A Bar Full Of Socialists – IOTW Report

Milo Wandered Into A Bar Full Of Socialists

A group of self-described democratic socialist were gathered for some lunch and collectivism at Churchill’s restaurant in New York City, when in walked Milo Yiannopoulos looking forward to a good old fashioned English roast. Being good little soldiers of the far left, the socialists immediately set up Milo and his guest. With shouts of “Nazi Scum, Get Out” the all so tolerant left only stopped when Yiannopoulos gracefully left the establishment.More 

The left reports the incident as some kind of virtuous response to the free speaking Yiannopoulos Here

19 Comments on Milo Wandered Into A Bar Full Of Socialists

  1. Just another day in the life of any public conservative. There is no liberal personality or politician that could handle what is dished out by ‘tolerant’ leftists.

  2. If Milo was sitting at the table next to me, I’d be oblivious, even though I’ve seen a thousand pictures of him. These lefties must be good at putting a name to a face. Does Milo eat there regularly and predictably?’Might want to change up his routine a little.

  3. “how much you want to bet the wait staff didn’t receive a fair tip afterwards?”

    Tip for what? The Dems were probably just starbucking Churchill’s while waiting for Milo.

  4. If Grand Papa Lazlo saw that happen in his Greek Restaurant, the affront to his honor over the disrespect to one of his guests would bring him out of the back with a stick of firewood and he would begin to lay about.
    I have seen this, and the Old Man could ‘lay about’ with a vigor rivaled only by the Knights in the stories.

  5. I know that chanting is the only thing a good socialist knows what to do because no thinking is involved, but for Pete’s sake please have someone intelligent write a witty chant for a change. It’s really embarrassing having to listen to news reports involving really stupid and unoriginal chants.

  6. I think this was a setup and the guy who took him to lunch informed someone that Milo would be there. He was already seated at his table when the “spontaneous” protest erupted.

    It probably wasn’t one bint saying to another, “Psst. I think that’s Milo Yiannopoulos. Let’s all harass him.”

    That’s just too coincidental that they were assembled for a gathering in a restaurant named after an imperialist and warmonger.

    It doesn’t add up.


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